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baby boomers

More adults than ever — including 23% of Gen-Z — identify as LGBTQ+

About 9.3 percent of U.S. adults in 2024 said that they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than heterosexual in a new report from Gallup.

7.2 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBTQ+: Gallup Poll

The number of people who identify as LGBTQ+ has doubled over the last decade, according to the poll.

More Americans identify as LGBTQ+ than ever before, according to new Gallup poll

The increase is being driven by younger generations, according to the new poll.

Less GOP and more LGBT — Gen Z is more likely to be queer than Republican, survey reveals

Members of Gen Z are more likely to be LGBTQ+ than they are to identify as Republican or as white Christians, according to a new survey from PRRI.

2024: When the last of the baby boomers, like me, turns 60

We’ve spent 60 years listening to other people. Maybe this is the decade where we listen more to ourselves?