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baltimore orioles

Milton, please spare the Don Cesar, a place that holds bittersweet memories for a gay man

John Casey writes that he first visited St. Petersburg's historic hotel as a teen struggling mightily with his sexuality, but he returned as an out gay man to a same-sex wedding.

Phillies Rays Say It Gets Better

The Phillies' video features star pitcher and Cy Young Award winner Roy Halladay, along with second baseman Chase Utley, outfielders Hunter Pence and John Mayberry Jr., and pitcher Mike Stutes.

The Lost Language of Kickball

For some gay and lesbian adults, having been chosen last in P.E. class inflicts a wound they still feel today, keeping them from enjoying sports and wreaking havoc on their self-esteem. Judy Kamilhor examines the "chosen-last syndrome" and other traumatic childhood sports experiences -- and shows how to overcome them.