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bathroom safety

How you can make bathrooms safer for trans and nonbinary people

Data shows that even in states with trans-friendly policies, transgender and nonbinary people report high rates of harassment in public bathrooms. Advocates say everyday people can have a big impact in interrupting discrimination in gendered restrooms.

Western Carolina University investigates student who recorded video of trans woman in bathroom

University officials said they knew of Payton McNabb’s video and were investigating the situation.

Texas House Speaker Takes Stand Against Anti-Trans Bill, Cites Suicide Risk

"I don't want the suicide of a single Texan on my hands," House Speaker Joe Straus said in opposing a so-called bathroom bill.

LISTEN: '19 Kids and Counting' Star Records Transphobic Robocall

Continuing her family's tradition of opposing LGBT causes, 19 Kids and Counting star Michelle Duggar speaks out against an Arkansas nondiscrimination bill.

Casting Trans Men as Predators Won't Stop Bathroom Bills ​

In the wake of North Carolina's bathroom bigotry, scaring opponents with images of trans men in women's rooms may not be the quick fix we need.

Woman Sues Planet Fitness Over Trans-Inclusive Policy

Yvette Cormier claims she suffered emotional damage after sharing a gym locker room with a trans woman who entered briefly to hang up her coat.

Utah House passes bill that restricts all trans people's use of bathrooms in the state — and threatens jail

H.B. 257 would not only ban transgender folks from many public facilities but also call for jail time.

Not Really Feelin' Neil

The good and bad that Trump's Supreme Court pick represents.

D.C. Is a Disaster. Fight for LGBTQ Rights in Your Backyard

Political advances can't happen with a government in paralysis. But systems aren't as broken in Nevada, Dallas, or Baton Rouge.

Moms for Liberty joins in suing Biden administration over Title IX protections for trans students

The extremist group joined one of the country’s most extreme attorneys general in suing the Biden-Harris administration over it’s protection of trans and nonbinary kids in school.

The New J.K. Rowling Podcast and Her History of Transphobia

Rowling has continued to make anti-transgender comments and promote stories on her Twitter account that discredit trans-inclusive advocacy.

Louisiana theatre students take to the state capitol's steps to protest ‘don’t say gay’ bill

Thirteen students traveled from New Orleans to Baton Rouge on March 27 to protest several anti-LGBTQ+ bills up for consideration by the Republican-controlled House and Senate.

Texas Attorney General Takes on Target

Ken Paxton says he's concerned for the safety of women and girls, despite overwhelming evidence that this policy does not provide cover for "bathroom predators."

Could courthouses provide the blueprint for safe transgender bathrooms?

As states move to exclude trans people from using certain public spaces, courtroom accessibility is key to ensuring that jury pools reflect the makeup of the country, experts say.

Florida's Transphobic 'Papers to Pee' Bill Passes Next Hurdle

The proposed law that launched a heated national debate about trans bathroom access has continued to advance in Florida's House.

Trans Student's Bathroom Struggle: History Repeats Itself

Lila Perry's fight for her right to use the girls' bathroom at her Missouri high school echoes similar battles for equal access that marked the broader American civil rights movement.

Fla. Takes First Step To Criminalize Trans People's Bathroom Use

If passed, the law would see trans and gender-nonconforming people fined up to $1,000 and jailed up to a year for using the 'wrong bathroom' in public.