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Homophobic dad avoided daughter's gig on 'Friends'

"We had a big situation with my father who wouldn't watch the show," Jane Sibbett said.

Cabinet Members Study Bible With Anti-LGBT, Sexist Minister

Ralph Drollinger has said, "Homosexuality and same-sex ceremonies are illegitimate in God's eyes."

Gay Bishop Out of Anglican Summit

The first openly gay Episcopal bishop announced he will have no official role in a meeting this summer of world Anglican leaders, saying restrictions that organizers wanted to place on his involvement had caused him ''considerable pain.'' New Hampshire bishop V. Gene Robinson had been told last year that he could not fully participate in the once-a-decade gathering in England, called the Lambeth Conference, as the world Anglican Communion sat on the brink of schism over his 2003 election. Still, Episcopal leaders had been negotiating with the Anglican Communion Office to allow him to join the event in some capacity. The Episcopal Church is the Anglican body in the United States.

Archbishop Rowan Williams: Anglicans in 'severe' crisis

The head of the Anglican Communion said Sunday that the global fellowship faces ''one of the most severe challenges'' in its history, and he urged bishops at their once-a-decade Lambeth Conference to do the hard work of finding solutions. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said the Anglican family's most immediate need is for ''transformed relationships'' so they don't break apart over homosexuality and the Bible. ''We all know that we stand in the middle of one of the most severe challenges to have faced the Anglican family in its history,'' he said in an address to the 650 bishops at the assembly.

Can't Be Converted: I Started an 'Ex-Gay' Group in Alabama

Bill Prickett was convinced he could change his sexuality. Then he found true salvation.

How This Couple Met at a Bible Study

Though they were both seeking to rid their lives of same-sex attractions at church, two women found their soul mates instead.

Anglicans Hold Once-a-Decade Summit as Threat of Schism Looms

The Lambeth Conference, a once-a-decade summit of the world's Anglican bishops starting this week, will be a tense, closely watched family reunion. Nearly one quarter of the bishops -- theological conservatives mostly from Africa -- are boycotting the event. The 650 or so bishops who are participating are a mix of traditionalists and liberals with widely divergent ideas on how to save the splintering Anglican Communion.

WATCH: No Tip, Just Hate For 'Excellent' Gay Waiter

'Queers do not share in the wealth of GOD, and you will not share in ours' reads the note one Kansas couple left a gay waiter in place of a tip.

Anglican Head Says Bishop Boycott 'Wounds' Summit

The spiritual leader of the world's Anglicans said he feels ''great grief'' that more than 200 bishops are boycotting the Lambeth Conference, calling it a wound to the once-a-decade meeting of the Anglican fellowship. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams expressed respect for the decision of church leaders who stayed away, but he said their absence should not stop participants from trying to repair fractured relations, according to a paper released Thursday containing highlights of his private talk the previous day.

Being the Closeted Player on the Christian Basketball Team

Journalist Kate Fagan gives a glimpse of the life of a closeted athlete, surrounded by devout Christian teammates.

Trump's Cabinet Minister Blames LGBTQ People for COVID-19

LGBTQ people and environmentalism have brought God's wrath on America, says the man who leads weekly Bible studies for Cabinet members.

Lutheran Group Addresses Marriage Issue

A task force drafting a statement on sexuality for the nation's largest Lutheran group said Thursday that the church should continue defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. However, the panel did not condemn same-gender relationships. The committee expressed regret that historic Lutheran teachings have been used to hurt gays and lesbians, and acknowledged that some congregations already accept same-sex couples.

Maine State Rep. Charles Skold Comes Out: I'm Gay/Queer, Not Bi

Skold made the announcement for National Coming Out Day.

Oklahoma official Ryan Walters institutes Christian indoctrination in public schools

He has mandated that all fifth- through 12th-grade students must study the Bible.

Chicago Preacher Embraces Joy in Drag Sermon for Kids

"Preaching in drag is a theological reflection on joy."

LGBTQ+ State Senator Proposes Ban on 'Religious Indoctrination' of Kids

Using language that many Republicans are employing to attack LGBTQ+ communities, the Nebraska Democrat said the proposal is meant to highlight the discriminatory nature of certain bills.

Evangelical Leader: We Must 'Fully Accept' Gay Couples

Tony Campolo now compares excluding gay couples to other evangelical 'mistakes,' like supporting slavery and banning women from teaching roles.