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bill cassidy

Opinion: Cowards like ‘moderate’ Sen. Susan Collins prove that the U.S. Senate is now Trump’s Duma

Collins, Murkowski, Cassidy, and Tillis were supposed to be a bulwark against Trump, but now they’re his comrades, writes John Casey.

Illinois Governor Signs 'Ex-Gay' Therapy Ban Into Law

Illinois joins California, New Jersey, Oregon, and D.C. in banning use of the discredited, harmful practice on minors.

Watch Bernie Sanders Stop a Republican Senator From Fighting a Union Leader

Markwayne Mullin and Sean O'Brien nearly came to blows, but Sen. Bernie Sanders intervened. Yes, really.

Latest Obamacare Repeal Crashes and Burns

Republican Senators Susan Collins, John McCain, and Rand Paul voted against the Graham-Cassidy proposal, making Republicans unable to pass the bill with a majority vote.

Australian MP: Same-Sex Marriage Is 'Decadent'

Australia's Agriculture Minister says marriage equality could harm trade relations with Asian counties.

Republican senators push for 'transparency' on trans youth care studies

A doctor in California has delayed publishing her study for fear it would be misinterpreted by opponents of care for transgender youth.

Illinois, Virginia Seek 'Ex-Gay' Therapy Bans

Bills to ban the use of such therapy on minors failed in both states last year, but lawmakers are trying again.

These 18 Republicans Urged Trump to Discriminate Against LGBTs

Will the president sign an executive order legalizing bias? The senators hope so.

LGBTQ+, Other Civil Rights Groups Enraged by Trump Acquittal

Only seven Republican senators joined Democrats and independents in voting to convict, so the vote fell short of the required two-thirds majority.

Sadness, Anger, and Hope in Illinois

In the Land of Lincoln (and Obama), marriage equality supporters are upset about today's legislative failure but ready to fight on.

It Passed: Illinois Set to Become 15th State for Marriage Equality

The bill passed the House today, was already approved in the Senate, and the governor will sign it.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul Opposes Latest Obamacare Repeal Effort

Paul says the Graham-Cassidy health care bill isn't a real repeal of Obamacare.

A Marriage Equality Proposal

An Illinois state representative talks about the proposed marriage equality bill and her own marriage proposal.

Illinois Sends Conversion Therapy Ban to Governor

Gov. Bruce Rauner hasn't said if he'll sign the bill, but its backers are optimistic.

The 13 (Mostly Antigay) Senators Who Voted Against Sec. Pete Buttigieg

The senators who voted against confirming Buttigieg as transportation secretary were almost exclusively from the South.

Has Supreme Court Made Marriage an Election Issue?

The issue is now clearly back in the political arena, but Republicans seem to want to avoid it.

WATCH: Illinois Celebrates Marriage Equality Signing

There was plenty of joy in the air today as Gov. Pat Quinn signed marriage equality into law in a Chicago ceremony.

Meet The Newest Members of Chicago's Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame

Inductees into the nation's only government-supported LGBT hall of fame made their mark in a variety of endeavors.