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bisexual member of congress

Kyrsten Sinema Slams Democrats as 'Old Dudes ... Eating Jell-O'

Sen. Sinema, once a Democrat but now an independent, has been ridiculing Democrats in front of Republican audiences.

Kyrsten Sinema added to the Mount Rushmore of LGBTQ+ losers

She joins Navratilova, Jenner, Grenell, and Santos; however, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt this lot is not.

What Stops More Queer Women From Being Elected to Office Is Not Enough Run

The Victory Fund found that women from the LGBT community win elections at a notably higher rate than men.

Trying to block Mr. Bloch

Congress should not be tinkering with a law that's in perfectly good shape already--and that five administrations have interpreted to protect lesbian and gay federal employees from job discrimination

LGBTQ Candidates Will Create a Rainbow Wave on Election Day

Out candidates are running in record numbers to make sure we're in the room where it happens.

How Many LGBTs In The House? Too Close to Call

In a night of electoral gut-punches for Democrats, the number of LGBT House members is still unclear.

Exclusive: Sen. Chris Coons Reflects on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal

Coons, who championed repeal during his first month in office, discusses progress made and progress needed in a video for The Advocate.

Bisexual Candidate Wins Arizona Congressional Primary

Kyrsten Sinema defeated two Democratic challengers, moving one step closer to becoming the first openly bisexual member of Congress.


35 Bisexual Politicians You Should Know

We highlight bisexual state and federal legislators for Bi Visibility Day.

Katie Hill on Bisexual Visibility, Andrew Gillum, and Monica Lewinsky

The former congresswoman talks about advising Gillum on coming out and commiserating with a fellow survivor of public shaming.

The Midterm Races Where LGBTQ Candidates Made History

The results include gains in Congress, statewide positions, and some local firsts. Pictured from left: Dana Nessel, Ricardo Lara, and Teri Johnston.

Lessons Learned: The Long Battle for Equality in the Military

Ending bans on open military service required collaboration and tenacity.

Members of Congress Urge Biden to Fund Global LGBTQ+ Equality

The president has committed to equality around the world, but he needs to request more money to fund programs to promote it, 117 members of Congress say.

National Journal Spotlights Gay Washington

The influential political magazine publishes its first Gay Washington special issue.

Meet the Class of 2013

The 113th Congress has the highest number of openly LGBT members in the body's history, with six in the House and, for the first time, an openly gay senator. Each politico here brings something unique to the table. They're all Democrats, and all were endorsed by the Victory Fund, meaning they fully support federal, state, and local efforts to advance LGBT rights. Meet your new representatives.

The Contenders: Hot LGBT Prospects for Office

Get acquainted with some of the LGBT candidates hoping to storm the halls of power this year.

Op-ed: Religion Is No Excuse for Discrimination

The right to follow a particular religion is a fundamental one for Americans, but the ACLU says it does not grant a free pass to discriminate against LGBT people.

Bisexual Women and Gay Men Face Danger

A shocking new report show the dangers facing bisexual women and gay men.

Its ba-a-a-ck How to fight the FMA

Be afraid: The proposed amendment to enshrine marriage discrimination in the U.S. Constitution has returned, courtesy of Bill Frist and Rick Santorum. Here's what you can do to join the fight for equality now