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black arts movement

The Advocates 2024: Poet and activist Dr. Cheryl Clarke

The lesbian poet, essayist, scholar, and educator's career and activism have been going strong for over four decades.

Accused of Assaulting Brendan Fraser, Ex-Globes Exec in New Scandal

The former president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which bestows the Golden Globes, attacked Black Lives Matter and its queer cofounder.


Pauli Murray Will Be First Black Queer Person on U.S. Currency

The nonbinary civil rights activist, lawyer, poet, and priest will appear on a quarter.

The Triumph of Queer Black People at the Emmys

RuPaul, Strong Island's Yance Ford, and The Handmaid's Tale's Samira Wiley had history-making wins at TV's big night.

Shop these Black queer-owned brands this Black History Month

Do you have a favorite Black queer-owned business to recommend? Share the love and let's continue spreading support and diversity together.

Why Black Gay Filmmaker Marlon Riggs Matters Now

His work stands as inspiration for resistance to homophobia and racial hatred.

Meet 'The Advocates' of 2024

'The Advocates' list celebrates 10 artists, activists, and allies who are dedicated to making the world a better place for all.

Appreciating Another Black Cat

For #blackcatappreciationday, we remember Los Angeles's Black Cat bar, site of a pre-Stonewall gay rights protest.

Trans Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter Join Forces for Justice

As conservative backlash against the Black Lives Matters movement grows, new voices within BLM promote peace and transgender empowerment. 

Outfest Slams Gay White Men Who 'Co-Opted' Trans History

In honoring a short on Marsha P. Johnson, a juror at the LGBT film festival sent a strong message about authority in the arts.

32 LGBTQ+ Documentaries to Watch for LGBTQ+ History Month

We've assembled 32 films to recommend, from 1977's Word Is Out to 2021's Pieces of Us.


WATCH: Video Surfaces of Stonewall Premiere Protest

Video has surfaced of the angry protesters who crashed the red carpet at the world premiere of Stonewall at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Nikki Giovanni, acclaimed poet and queer Black icon, has died at 81

Giovanni was known for poems about civil rights, love, and Black joy, and for her stirring public readings.

Why Google Doodle Honored Trans Pioneer Marsha P. Johnson

The artist and Google spokespeople discuss the celebratory illustration, which also coincides with a gift to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute.

'Stonewall' Star Jeremy Irvine Defends Film

Irvine says the film represents the diversity of the people who participated in the historic riots.

The Grammys Honored the Wrong Album, and Adele Knew It

For all its praise of art and activism, the music industry's biggest awards ceremony did not give justice to the album that most personified these ideals.

Shatzi Weisberger, Lesbian, Activist, and Death Educator, Dies at 92

Weisberger worked for many causes, and one of her interests was preparing for death in a conscious and positive fashion.

Harry Belafonte, Civil Rights Icon and Entertainer, Dead at 96

Belafonte died Tuesday morning of congestive heart failure.

Can a White Actor Play Michael Jackson?

The casting of Joseph Fiennes as the black singer has reignited debate over the importance of identity and authenticity in acting roles.