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black lesbian poet

The Advocates 2024: Poet and activist Dr. Cheryl Clarke

The lesbian poet, essayist, scholar, and educator's career and activism have been going strong for over four decades.

Meet 'The Advocates' of 2024

'The Advocates' list celebrates 10 artists, activists, and allies who are dedicated to making the world a better place for all.

Louisa Jacobson, 'Gilded Age' star and Meryl Streep's daughter, apparently comes out

After posting about "a new era of lesbian fashion" on Instagram, the actress wrote that she's "blessed" to be part of the new era. And she included a photo of herself with her girlfriend, producer Anna Blundell.

Meet The 10 LGBT People Who Most Influenced Me

For The Advocate's 50th anniversary, we asked LGBT notables to tell us the five LGBT people who influenced them most. Because I'm the editorial director, I cheated and named 10.

California Sen. Laphonza Butler reads Audre Lorde in protest of GOP book banning

Butler, the first Black lesbian in the U.S. Senate, read an excerpt from Sister Outsider to her colleagues Thursday to make a point about the power of breaking silence.

Barbara Smith: Soul on Hold

This 1985 essay by Barbara Smith, a scholar-activist who made contributions to social justice movements in civil rights, feminism, lesbian and gay liberation, anti-racism, and black feminism, recalls early moments of intersectionality between African-American and LGBT rights movements, yet resonates today in the wake of Ferguson.

Who Is Most to Blame For Hollywood’s Diversity Problem?

It’s the system, and not performers like The Danish Girl's Eddie Redmayne, that is responsible for the lack of diversity in mainstream Hollywood, says The Advocate's transgender issues correspondent. 

The tragedy of 4B: Scissoring out the patriarchy, but not scissoring each other

"The irony of 4B is that it doesn’t even scissor out the patriarchy because its logic continues to center it...", writes Marcie Bianco.

Gays first, then illegals

Yes, immigration reform is vitally important. But if Congress wants to debate the extension of equal civil rights to U.S. residents, let's start with gays and lesbians who are already citizens

WATCH: Dallas Sportscaster Slams Michael Sam's Critics

Dale Hansen tackles those anonymous NFL sources who think an openly gay player will be a problem -- and quotes Audre Lorde in the process.

Poetry In Motion

Remembering Michael Callen and Essex Hemphill and the Battlefield of A

Meticulously researched and evocatively told, Hold Tight Gently is this celebrated historian's poignant memorial to those lost to AIDS and to two of the great unsung heroes of the early years of the epidemic. This is an exclusive excerpt.

Op-ed: How Straight Silence Betrays Gay Teammates

For gay players to come out, their straight teammates need to step up.

Watch This Emotional Telling of How One Black Man Comes Out

Celebrate Black History Month by taking a journey to Leimert Park, a majority-black neighborhood in south Los Angeles, where a closeted man's life turns unsustainable.

Legendary Poet Maya Angelou Dies at 86

The award-winning author and civil rights activist died Wednesday at her home in Winston-Salem, N.C.

Gloria Joseph Remains the True Treasure of the Virgin Islands

The Afro-Caribbean lesbian scholar (and partner of the late Audre Lorde) still has things to teach us.