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Controversy brews on Bluesky over anti-trans interloper ban

Jesse Singal’s anti-trans views have made him the most blocked user on Bluesky, but that's not enough for some LGBTQ+ users seeking a post-X safe space.

Hate: America's Sleeper Export Exposed

A new HRC report shows an industry of anti-LGBT hate being exported all around the world.

I'm Gay and Iraqi: Please Help Me!

The situation for gay Iraqis has never been more dire: With reports of torture, "anal gluing," and murder coming out of the Middle East, is the U.S. surge to blame for this sudden explosion of antigay violence?

Iraq Sees Wave of Brutal Antigay Murders

In a recent wave of antigay violence, about 40 Iraqis have been killed, in some cases by a concrete block to the head.

LGBTQ+ Groups Blocked, Censored on Social Media in China

Some believe this is another sign of a crackdown on LGBTQ+ groups in the country. 

Tanzania Health Minister Threatens 'Gay List'

The situation for gay and bi men in the east African nation goes from bad to worse.

Russian Activist Murdered After Being Named on 'Gay-Hunting' Site

Yelena Grigoryeva, who died after being stabbed and strangled, had been listed on a site urging users to hunt down and attack LGBTQ activists.

Not Even Orlando Could Get the Senate to Act on Guns

Today the U.S. Senate voted down four gun control measures.


Federal Judge Smacks Down Utah's Antigay Adoption Policy

The landmark Supreme Court marriage equality ruling leads to a legal victory for same-sex parents in Utah.

Major Companies Denounce North Carolina's Antigay Law

Discrimination is bad for business -- and bad for everyone, say officials with American Airlines and other large corporations.

West Virginia can’t ban transgender athletes says federal court

Another court stands in the way of Republican attacks on transgender people.

Indonesia's Latest Assault on LGBTs: Gay App Ban

In moving to deny access to apps like Grindr, the world's fourth most populous nation continues to isolate and endanger its LGBT citizens.

Did Antigay U.S. Hate Group Violate Sanctions Against Russia?

The Human Rights Campaign has asked the federal government to investigate the World Congress of Families to see if the antigay group violated U.S. sanctions in its work with Russian lawmakers.

Many trans Americans are living in fear. But LGBTQ+ advocates see a reprieve in statehouses

The number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills being signed into law has shifted in the last year, leaving advocates feeling “cautiously optimistic” over a turning of the legislative tide.

LIVE BLOG: Senate Debates Gun Control Measures

The U.S. Senate today is debating several gun control bills in the wake of the Orlando tragedy.


Neil Gorsuch Is Already Going After LGBT Rights

Trump's first Supreme Court pick dissents from a pro-LGBT ruling and takes further right-wing stances on the travel ban and gun rights.