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blood ban

​What Are the New Guidelines for Gay and Bi Men Donating Blood?

The discriminatory blood ban based on sexual orientation is over, but what does that mean?

HRC Blasts FDA's Revised Blood Ban

Civil rights groups say the FDA's new guidelines are 'unacceptable' for retaining restrictions on blood donations by sexually active gay and bisexual men. And for transgender donors, there's also a change in the works.


Influential Medical Group Now Opposes Gay Blood Ban

The AMA is now urging the FDA to revise its 30-year-old discriminatory policy that prohibits gay men from donating blood.

Israel to Lift Gay Blood Ban

Thanks to a "double testing" system, men who have sex with men will soon be allowed to donate blood without a period of abstinence.

FDA Considers Revision of Gay Blood Ban

But not all LGBT groups are happy with the proposed new policy, which mandates a one-year period of abstinence.

WATCH: How 7 Feet of Gay Blood Became Political Art

Blood Mirror by Jordan Eagles is a 7-foot-tall sculpture designed as a protest to the FDA's discriminatory blood donation policy.

China Ends Ban on Blood Donation by Lesbians

Fears about HIV transmission led to the ban, although woman-to-woman sexual transmission is highly unlikely.

WATCH: Donate Your Gay Blood To End The Ban

One out filmmaker wants to bring attention to the FDA's lifetime ban on gay and bisexual men donating blood with a national gay blood drive on July 12.