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brian camenker

Who is MassResistance, the far-right group behind anti-marriage equality resolutions?

MassResistance one of the most virulently anti-LGBTQ+ groups out there, and it's looking to end marriage equality.

Tennessee GSA Supporters Rally While Hate-Group Leader Calls It 'Vile'

Franklin County High School's Gay-Straight Alliance has attracted the attention of a hate-group leader who condemns it as "sexual weirdness."

Trans Activist Boston Police Abusive at Protest

An activist with Occupy Boston's LGBT group says she and others were treated roughly at a Tea Party rally, where they were protesting antigay speakers.

The Scary Science at Johns Hopkins University

Doctors at the esteemed institution are perpetuating dangerous myths about transgender people -- and the university is not doing enough to stop them.

Marriage equality becomes growing topic of discussion in Mass. schools

Antigay activists and other opponents of marriage equality are beginning to concede defeat in Massachusetts in light of greater discussion in the classroom regarding gay and lesbian married couples.

Reading the Far Right: Fearing Violent Liberals, Defending Steve King

The unhinged segment of the right also claims LGBT protesters threatened violence against the Boston St. Patrick's Day parade.

Right-Wing Activist: Gays Provoke Bashings

Two men kissing in public generates 'a certain amount of revulsion,' says Brian Camenker, who also thinks LGBT people don't have the goods to be elite athletes.

Gay-Marriage Opponents Seek to Reinstate 1913 Law

The gay marriage fight in Massachusetts might not be over after all. Opponents of same-sex marriages are seeking a ballot question that would prevent gay and lesbian couples from getting married in the state if their union wouldn't be legal in their home state. Brian Camenker of the group Mass Resistance said Friday that lawmakers and Gov. Deval Patrick bowed to the will of the "gay lobby" last month by approving the repeal of a 1913 statute that banned such marriages.

Anti-LGBT Group Opens Conference With Rainbow Flag Dance

The homophobic hate group MassResistance hosted a curiously gay performance.

WATCH: Presidential Hopefuls Join Top Homophobes in New Documentary

Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul, both potential Republican presidential candidates, join the likes of Scott Lively in a new doc on the gay movement's 'persecution' of Christians.

Noted Homophobes Launch Global Antigay Coalition

Scott Lively and Peter LaBarbera today introduced the new group, aimed at countering 'the LGBT agenda and its destructive influence,' and attracted some hecklers.

Hate: America's Sleeper Export Exposed

A new HRC report shows an industry of anti-LGBT hate being exported all around the world.

The 10 Cattiest, Craziest Antigay Comments of 2013

Drawing on religious zealots, right-wing politicians, and more, we list 10 bigots whose insane antigay comments proved they're crazier than a bag of cats.