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brown v. board

Ketanji Brown Jackson Blasts Clarence Thomas in Affirmative Action Dissent

Thomas accused the court's newest justice of casting all Black people as victims and wanting to "reallocate society’s riches by racial means."

The long road ahead

Fifty years after Brown v. the Board of Education, people forget that most victories in the fight for racial equality came after that court decision outlawing segregation. For gays and lesbians, it's time to steel ourselves for the decades of work we still have to do to achieve equality.

Smiling and Crying Through the Stilted Progression of LGBTQ Equality

When you reside at the intersections of multiple identities, anniversaries of your civil rights struggles can be both bitter and sweet. 

Obama: Constitution Guarantees Marriage Equality in 50 States

The former University of Chicago law professor told The New Yorker he believes the U.S. Constitution includes a right to same-sex marriage.

Larry Kramer's Loud, Proud Activism Remains Necessary

We need positive disruptors to remind us the status quo isn't working.

Op-ed: Celebration With Trepidation

As we've learned with the landmark cases of the civil rights movement, the Supreme Court's decree is often not enough.

Anti-Trans School Restroom Policies Unconstitutional, Court Rules

In the case brought by Virginia student Gavin Grimm, the Fourth Circuit says such policies violate federal law and the U.S. Constitution.

Trump Is Horrible, But Mitch McConnell Is Really Destroying America

By abusing power, the Senate majority leader has held back progress on everything from LGBTQ rights to environmental protections. He must go.

Obama To Alabama Judges: Federal Law Will Be Obeyed

'I think that the courts at the federal level will have something to say' to Alabama's antigay Chief Justice Roy Moore, says President Obama.

Donald Trump Hijacked My Holidays

A black gay man reflects on how racism and homophobia prevented him from going home to North Carolina for Christmas.

White House Withdraws Controversial Judicial Nominee Ryan Bounds

His writings on racial, gender, and LGBT issues were out of bounds even for some Republicans.

Mexican Court Uses American Legal Precedent for Marriage Equality

Mexico's high court used landmark American cases -- Loving v. Virginia and Brown v. Board of Education -- to rule in favor of same-sex couples and their families.

WATCH: Judge Rules Marriage Ban Like 'Separate But Equal'

In a major decision, a Louisiana judge has compared marriage bans to the state's old unconstitutional 'separate but equal' laws.

Democrats Grill a Cautious Neil Gorsuch on Privacy Rights

The Supreme Court nominee avoids saying much about the concept on which many civil rights rulings rest.

Beyond marriage

Two vital lessons, 14 months after marriage equality came to Massachusetts: First, the courts are only one of many battlegrounds. Second, every other issue--job and HIV discrimination, for instance--still needs our attention

Judge Rules for Marriage Equality in Pennsylvania

If his ruling is not appealed, the Keystone State would be the 19th in the U.S. with marriage equality.