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bruce bastian

Gay activist and philanthropist Bruce Bastian dies at 76

Bastian, cofounder of WordPerfect, left the Mormon Church as a young adult and dedicated himself to LGBTQ+ causes.

2008 People of the Year: Bruce Bastian

The WordPerfect cofounder and former Latter-day Saints church member donated $1 million to the No on 8 campaign amid the Mormon Church's swath of destruction.

Ex-Mormon Donates $1 Million

Ex-Mormon Bruce Bastian has donated $1 million to California's No on Prop. 8 campaign in reaction to the Latter-day Saints Church's recent public stance favoring the ballot measure. Bastian gave $5,000 in May, but after the church's formal statement expecting all California Mormons to "do all [they] can to support the proposed constitutional amendment," which would define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, Bastian upped his donation, according to The Salt Lake Tribune.

Wanda Sykes, Thomas Beatie Kick Off Advocate's People of the Year

Each year The Advocate names its People of the Year -- a handful of names that made headlines, made a difference, or simply made us talk. This year's list kicks off with a trio of people who had us talking in 2008. Comedian Wanda Sykes; WordPerfect founder, former Mormon, and $1 million No on 8 donor Bruce Bastian; and "pregnant man" Thomas Beatie are three people who made 2008 a year to remember.

View From the Hill: The Dems

Despite a last-minute effort from President Obama, for the moment, the LGBT movement -- from big-dollar establishment donors to the grassroots troops -- seems to have turned its proverbial back on the administration.

Mormons Set Sights on Killing Civil Unions in Illinois

The Mormon Church recently sent a private e-mail to its Illinois members urging them to contact state legislators and voice opposition to civil union legislation the state is currently considering.

Prop. 8 Brings in Boatloads of Dough

A total of about $8 million has already poured in from supporters and opponents of California's marriage ban, with everyone from Mary Cheney to PG&E throwing money at the epic battle.

Will Marriage in 2010 Be Any Different?

Since the passage of Prop. 8, many gays and lesbians have been searching for clarity on why we suffered a close loss at the ballot box. With emotions high, suggestions, criticism, and questions somehow seem out of bounds. Meanwhile, we continue to wait for insight from those who are perhaps most able to offer it: the executive committee of Equality for All.

Hope and History

As a candidate Obama promised us a lot; as president he's delivered very little -- and many gay people are getting impatient. Does the outcry unmask this president's indifference, or reveal our own impotence as a movement?

Polis: I Will Attend the DNC Fundraiser

Rep. Jared Polis skipped the president's Oval Office signing ceremony last week of an order extending some benefits to gay federal employees' same-sex partners, but he will attend the DNC fund-raiser Thursday. Polis discusses his rationale and the prospects for overturning "don't ask, don't tell" and DOMA.

50 States, 50 Heroes

Fifty current queer leaders tell us who their state's LGBT hero is. Who's yours?