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chick fil a foundation

Is Chick-fil-A still anti-LGBTQ+? Here’s its full record

From employee discrimination to millions in harmful donations, Chick-fil-A has a long anti-LGBTQ+ history. But how much is still going on?

The Chick-fil-A Coupon Strategy for Curing Homosexuality

A satirical group calling itself the Chick-fil-A Foundation has for a while now been mocking the notion that being gay is a choice. But it's latest tactic has by far gotten the most attention.

Not So Fast: Chick-fil-A's Questionable Giving Isn't Over

The fast food chain is highlighting the fact it stopped giving to a host of antigay groups. But some organizations remain that were considered questionable in the past.

Did Chick-fil-A's Anti-LGBT Giving Double?

Chick-fil-A said they were leaving the politics to the government, as early as 2011. Think Progress says that ain't so.

Big Loophole? Chick-fil-A Is Already Raising Questionable Cash

President Dan Cathy tweeted a photo this week from a Chick-fil-A backed fundraiser for a group once described as antigay by an investigation of the company's giving.

'Inclusive' Business Confab to Include Antigay Chick-fil-A CEO

Dan Cathy, whose corporate foundation continues to fund anti-LGBT causes, will be a keynote speaker at the event.

Chick-fil-A President Assures Huckabee: Nothing Has Changed

Cathy spoke Huckabee on Friday to assure him that nothing has changed about his restaurant chain's antigay ways.

Antigay Hate Group Exaggerates Influence on Chick-fil-A Donations

Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association boasts of receiving a letter from the company's CEO about its giving policy that actually went to hundreds.

Protests Force British Chick-fil-A to Close After Six Months

Protests against the fast food chain, which has a history of supporting anti-LGBTQ causes, led a landlord to say the lease won't be extended.

Now Only Starbucks, McDonald's Bigger Than Antigay Chick-fil-A

The company's sales have tripled in the past decade, and it is poised to become the third-largest fast-food chain in the U.S.

Hey, BuzzFeed: You Forgot to Mention Something About Chick-fil-A

The socially-conscious website ran a puff piece on the chicken chain and strangely omitted its long animus towards the LGBT community.

Twitter's Jack Dorsey Isn't the Only One Who Forgot Chick-fil-A Is Anti-LGBT

The CEO of Twitter got a public shaming for promoting Chick-fil-A during Pride Month.

A Clucking Nightmare: How Chick-fil-A Changed the Nation

When the mainstream media finally started paying attention to Chick-fil-A's ugly values, an entire nation took sides.

Where to Shop, Not Shop

Donald Trump had a big effect on where LGBT people should shop this holiday season.

Hollywood Chick-fil-A Hosts LGBT Fundraiser

A Hollywood franchise of the fast-food chain donated 20 percent of its Saturday proceeds to Campus Pride.

Free Lunch From Chick-fil-A Rejected by Louisiana High School

The principal of a New Orleans high school says the fast-food franchise's antigay values don't align with the school's.

Chick-fil-A Releases Internal Memo; Did It Make Things Worse?

The company is being ripped by disappointed customers who say it abandoned its beliefs, while also hearing it from LGBT activists who say all it offers in the memo are empty words.

Chick-fil-A's CEO Wiser on Marriage Equality Debate

Dan Cathy says his opinions on marriage haven't changed, he's just learned to keep them to himself.

Chick-fil-A Still Isn't LGBTQ-Friendly, Despite Pledge on Donations

The company still doesn't have an LGBTQ-inclusive nondiscrimination policy, the Human Rights Campaign points out.

Popeyes' Sandwich v. Chick-fil-A's: More Flavor, Less Homophobia

A new sandwich from Popeyes is getting rave reviews, and the company doesn't have Chick-fil-A's baggage.