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chief justice

Alabama Supreme Court endangers IVF access by ruling frozen embryos are people

In a notable union of church and state, the Alabama Supreme Court cited Christian faith as reason to jeopardize access to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Chief Justice of Calif. Supreme Court: I'm Done With GOP

One of the most powerful judges in the U.S. says she can no longer stomach being part of the Republican party.

Ala. Justice Roy Moore: Trans People Have "Mental Disorder"

Chief Justice Roy Moore called a trans protester a "known transvestite."

Roy Moore Still Says Same-Sex Marriage Is Illegal in Alabama

Roy Moore, a notorious anti-LGBT antagonist, issued an order today demanding probate judges refuse marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

5 Best Quotes From Roberts's Opinion on Prop. 8

Chief Justice Roberts wrote the majority opinion that the proponents of Proposition 8, a private group, did not have standing to defend the law.

Judge Roy Moore Slapped With Ethics Charges ... Again

The Southern Poverty Law Center has supplemented its ethics complaint against Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore with more examples of his disdain for the law.

Roberts to Look Into Sexual Harassment in Judiciary

The chief justice said the federal court system will begin an examination of itself.

Roberts confirmed as chief justice

John Roberts is taking his place as the next leader of the Supreme Court, with a commanding majority of the Senate backing him to lead the court through cases involving controversial social issues that will affect generations to come.

Ala. Ethics Commission to Chief Justice: Roy, Bye

Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore could be removed from the bench for a major ethics breach — again. 

Alabama's Chief Justice Refuses to Allow Weddings

A six-page letter from Roy Moore says state officials are under no obligation to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Roy Moore Suspended as Alabama Chief Justice for Antigay Actions

A panel of judges who oversee the state's judicial ethics code ruled Friday the suspension of the anti-LGBT chief justice will be extended until the end of his term in 2019, effectively firing him.


Ala. Chief Justice Candidate: Gay Marriage Will Destroy Nation

The former chief justice, trying to get his old job back, receives applause from Tea Party members after denigrating gays.

SCOTUS Will Decide Whether to Keep Stalling Virginia Marriage Ruling

Chief Justice John Roberts called for information regarding the stay to be filed by Monday.

Could John Roberts Vote for Marriage Equality?

Some observers think the conservative chief justice will be in the pro-equality column this time around.

Antigay Venom Spewed at Rally for Alabama's Suspended Chief Justice

"I ask you God to stand against this militant homosexual movement that's invading our land," a pastor said at the Saturday gathering.

Antigay Alabama Judge Scolds RBG on 'Judicial Ethics'

The state jurist, who advised officials to ignore a federal court ruling on marriage equality, wants the federal justice to be impeached for officiating a same-sex wedding.