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child custody

Wyoming bill could take trans kids from parents

House Bill 156 would define gender-affirming care to be "not in the best interest" of youth in the state. The bill affects guardianships, custody fights, and child protective services.

Kentucky supreme court rules against lesbian in child custody dispute

The Kentucky supreme court has unanimously ruled against a lesbian seeking joint custody of a child she helped raise with her former partner.

Georgia lesbian's child-custody suit argues gays don't have legal right to adopt

Sara Wheeler's life has become a contradiction. Once a proud lesbian, she's now a pariah among gays. Once in a committed relationship with a female partner, she's rethinking her sexuality. And now she's doing something she once would have considered unthinkable: arguing that gays don't have the legal right to adopt children.

Trailblazing Judge Who Expanded LGBT Rights Found Dead in Hudson River

Sheila Abdus-Salaam had ruled that people without a biological or legal tie to a child could seek custody and visitation rights, an important decision for same-sex couples.

Watch: Anti-Trans Jeff Younger Heckled as "Fascist" by Students

Younger, whose run for Texas House was motivated by a battle over his trans child's care, had to cut his appearance at the University of North Texas short. 

Judge Strips Lesbian Mom of Parental Rights, Awards Them to Sperm Donor

An Oklahoma judge ruled the woman's parental rights were forfeited because she failed to adopt him.

Dear Texas Exposes Heartbreak of Trans Parenthood

A brilliant new play premiering at this weekend’s Your True Gender conference in San Luis Obispo, Calif., dramatizes the pain of a trans parent who loses custody of her son.

Fact check: JD Vance falsely claims Tim Walz signed bill to let Minnesota 'kidnap kids' and 'trans them'

The bill actually modifies the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, allowing the state to take jurisdiction over custody cases in custody disputes between two parents.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Trans Parents Child Abusers

Greene, outraged by a clip of a trans woman attempting to breastfeed, says the woman and her husband should lose custody of their child.

Pa Court Backs Gay Parent

A Pennsylvania appellate court ruled that a parent's same-sex relationship cannot be used against the parent.

Vermont high court rules in favor of child custody for lesbian

The Vermont supreme court said Friday that Vermont courts, not those in Virginia, have exclusive jurisdiction in a child custody battle between two women who were once joined in a civil union in Vermont.

Supreme Court stays out of lesbian's child custody battle

The U.S. Supreme Court has for the second time shied away from getting involved in the child custody fight between the two San Diego lesbians.

Florida Lawmaker to Scale Back Custody Threats to Trans Children

The amendment would allow a judge to change custody agreements to “protect” a child from gender-affirming health care.

New York State Expands Definition of Parent

If you've helped raise a child, you can seek custody and visitation rights even if you aren't related by law or biology, the state's highest court rules. 

Indiana appeals court rules in favor of adoption rights for gays

Unmarried couples, including those of the same sex, can adopt a child through a joint petition that gives both partners equal custody simultaneously, the Indiana court of appeals in Indianapolis ruled Thursday.