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child development

Matt Walsh’s 'Homosexual Infants' Remark Raises Eyebrows Amid Conversion Therapy Talk

Conversion therapy has been restricted in about 20 states.

Utah Judge Reinstates Lesbian Foster Moms -- For Now

But the legal fight over the 'best interests' of the 9-month-old girl drags on. 

Put Children Ahead of Ideology in Adoption and Foster Care

Oklahoma made a disatrous decision to embrace bigotry and allow discrimination against prospective LGBT parents. Kansas has an opportunity to do better.

Lesbian Stepmom Wins Custody Rights as 'Psychological Parent'

When a New Jersey lesbian couple split, a stepmother claimed parenthood doesn't end with biological ties.

Study on Lesbian Moms Shows That the Kids Are All Right

A study tracing back to the 1980s shows that the children of lesbian moms are as happy as those raised by straight parents -- if not more so.

Utah Judge Removes Child from Lesbian Foster Parents

A lesbian couple has been ordered to surrender their foster child after a judge decided the baby would be better off being raised by heterosexuals.

How Do I Tell My Kids I Have HIV?

Finding out you're positive is tough; figuring out how to tell your children is even harder. A noted child therapist talks to several experts about doing it right.

Missouri judge says lesbian can be foster mom

The Missouri Department of Social Services improperly denied a woman's application to become a foster parent because she is a lesbian, a judge ruled on Friday.

Study: Vigilance Urged for Parents of Student Athletes With Concussions

Just because your son or daughter says he or she is OK after a blow to the head doesn't mean there should be a quick return to the field -- or the classroom.

Mother Teresa's Order Ends Adoptions Over Gay Parents

The order objects to new Indian government rules allowing adoption by single parents — who might be gay or lesbian.

Separating Families Affects Kids Forever. I Know From Experience.

Thom Senzee knows what it's like to be pulled from a parent, and why Trump's border policy is the height of cruelty.

An HIV-Positive Person Successfully Donates Kidney

The surgery is a breakthrough in HIV-to-HIV organ donations, and should inspire more poz people to become living organ donors. 

Op-ed: The Missing Stories Our Kids Need

Children's literature is too often a tale of two genders.

Psychoanalysts' Organization Backs Same-Sex Marriage

The American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) announced Wednesday that it supports the legalization of same-sex marriage for gay and lesbian couples.

Study: Childhood Bullying's Effects Persist for Decades

Being bullied in childhood often means physical, social, and mental health repercussions even 40 years later, says a new U.K. study.

View From Washington: Jurisprudence

Just three years since New York's high court used procreation as a reason to block gays from marrying, the U.S. government has begun to dismantle that argument.

Puberty Blockers Will be Limited to Clinical Trials, Says U.K. Health Service

LGBTQ+ activists in the U.K. are criticizing this restriction on care for transgender youth.

Web site launched to fight distortion of research on LGBT families

While James Dobson's Focus on the Family continues to cherry-pick and distort research on LGBT families, Soulforce and Truth Wins Out are raising the stakes to expose what they call a harmful and alarming disinformation campaign discriminating against LGBT families.