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christian pulpits

Jesus and St. Paul were asexual, and everybody in heaven is nonbinary

Have you ever wondered about the sexual identities of Jesus and St. Paul? Or how gender and sexuality might influence our understanding of heaven?

Op-ed: Dan Savage Is No One's Pastor

Homophobic Christian thinking must continue to be challenged, but Dan Savage cannot lead the spiritual debate, says the director of Believe Out Loud.

What it means for LGBTQ+ Americans to leave — or choose — Christianity

Almost two-thirds of LGBTQ+ people who were raised Christian have left, new data finds. But queer Black Americans have more to leave behind.

WATCH: Pastor Tells Gay Grads They're Going To Hell

'This is bullying,' said one parent shocked that a North Carolina pastor would deliver a fire-and-brimstone message to graduating seniors.

Op-ed: Why the Tim Tebow Debacle Was a Culture War Victory

The NFL quarterback's decision to back out of a speaking engagement is a milestone for LGBT equality, argues Right Wing Watch's Peter Montgomery.

Op-ed: Hating the Sin Is Hating the Sinner

An executive for the Baltimore Ravens invokes the tired 'hate the sin, love the sinner' philosophy, but is that truly Christlike?

Cuccinelli Campaign Warns Clergy Could be Imprisoned for 'Teaching Christian Morals'

The latest fund-raising email from Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelli's gubernatorial campaign trots out the politician's wife to employ some standard right-wing scare tactics.

A Second Reformation Will Produce LGBTQ-Inclusive Christianity

On Reformation Day -- the anniversary of the events that started the Protestant Reformation -- a Nigerian Christian sees a second Reformation producing an inclusive faith.

Coming Out As...Christian

The gray area where sexuality and spirituality intersect.

WATCH: Christian Rapper's Antigay Answer to 'Same Love'

Texas rapper Bizzle uses the instrumental hook from Macklemore's 'Same Love' to say that LGBT people are sinful, violent, and just like pedophiles.

7 Scary Stories for a Homophobic Halloween

Some of what TV and radio pundits say about LGBT people is so frightening it's ready-made for Halloween. Here are a few of the scariest things we've heard antigay talking heads say recently.

Jim Bakker Claims Preachers Being Killed Over 'Don’t Say Gay' Support

The former husband of the late Tammy Faye Bakker said preachers are already being killed in their pulpits.

Antigay Senator: Politicians Obligated to Proselytize

Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford boasts a history of preaching against LGBTQ equality.

Op-ed: The Stoning Problem Isn't Just in Brunei

When stoning gets discussed as a viable punishment in Smalltown, USA.

The Religious Roots of Pride

Anti-LGBTQ forces have falsely claimed ownership of organized religion. Time to take it back.