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coded conservatism

The Queer History of Rick Perry, Trump's Energy Secretary Choice

Rick Perry may not have the best qualifications to lead the Department of Energy, but he brings tons of anti-LGBT cred.

U.S., U.K. Need History Lesson on Fascism

There are too many parallels to ignore between the Germany of the 1920s and many Western nations of today, writes Jack Flanagan.

Ted Cruz Just Can't Let Go of His Obsession With Dylan Mulvaney

The far-right senator has yet more questions about the trans influencer's partnership with Bud Light. Oh, he's also appearing in an anti-trans film.

Locked Up for Being Gay? 

Was a lesbian couple’s imprisonment the matter of a bungled drug trial or homophobia?

New Film Showcases the 'Coded' Homoeroticism of a Gay Artist

Coded: The Hidden Love of J.C. Leyendecker, the story of one of the early 20th century's leading commercial artists, screens Thursday at the Meet the Press Film Festival.

Enemy of the State

How Glenn Greenwald is taking on the world, and why he'll never stop.

Thailand will be the first Southeast Asian country with marriage equality

The bill grants LGBTQ+ couples the same legal rights and recognition as heterosexual couples, including inheritance, adoption, and health care decision-making.

Supreme Court Will Rule on LGBTQ Job Discrimination

The highest court in the U.S. will hear cases October 8 on whether existing federal civil rights law includes LGBTQ people within its protections. 

We all must hang together... Benjamin Franklin once said, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately. Antigay priests and ministers must not be the only religious figures with a say in gay rights: It's time for pro-gay religious leaders and our secular allies to present a united front.

Classic Movies Through an LGBT Lens

As host of Here's Hollywood, Tony Maietta offers behind-the-scenes dish, highlights LGBT contributions to Hollywood's golden era, and finds the gay subtext in the performances of Bob Hope.