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conservative activist

Toyota faces backlash for backtracking on DEI, LGBTQ+ efforts

Plus, learn more about Robby Starbuck: the conservative activist targeting companies to drop their support of LGBTQ+ events and DEI efforts.

Right-Wingers Pledge to Carry Guns to Bathroom

But they aren't scared of "transgenders," the conservative activists promise. They just want to protect themselves and others against "perverts." 

James Hormel, First Out Gay U.S. Ambassador, Dead at 88

Hormel, an activist and philanthropist, saw conservative pushback to his ambassadorial nomination because of his work for LGBTQ+ causes.

Michael Steele: Racial Comment at Confab Shows GOP 'Stupidity'

Conservative activist Ian Walters said Steele was chosen to run the Republican National Committee because he's black.


'Mrs. America': The Truth About John, Phyllis Schlafly's Gay Son

The FX series introduced viewers to the real-life son of the conservative activist. The Advocate separated truth from fiction.

Transphobic Activists Claim They've Got Signatures to Repeal Calif. Student Law

Conservative activists within the Privacy for All Students campaign claim they gathered more than half a million valid signatures from Californians who want the chance to repeal the state's new law regarding transgender students.

How Barbara Gittings Became the Mother of the Movement

Windy City Times publisher Tracy Baim shares an excerpt from her new book, Barbara Gittings, Gay Pioneer, and describes how this lesbian activist battled the conservative mores of post-war America.

Conservatives charge that American Girl promotes lesbianism

American Girl, manufacturer of a highly popular line of dolls and children's books, has become the target of conservative activists threatening a boycott unless the toy maker cuts off contributions to a youth organization that supports abortion rights and acceptance of lesbians.

No on 8 Protester Assaulted in Kern County

Video footage captured over the weekend at a Proposition 8 rally in Bakersfield, Calif., shows Kern High School District trustee Ken Mettler assaulting a No on 8 protester, is reporting. But Mettler, a politically conservative activist, said he threw the punch in self-defense.

Trump’s abortion stance will do far more damage than any conviction that might come his way

He’s guilty of wanting states to decide, which is a cop-out to the Christian right and a catalyst for Democrats and moderates.

Christian Walker Slams CPAC's Matt Schlapp Over Groping Allegations

Herschel Walker's son says Matt Schlapp allegedly groping staffer on father's campaign staff demonstrates conservative hypocrisy.

Both sides react to Roberts gay rights past

News that John G. Roberts Jr., President Bush's pick to fill a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, helped to win a landmark gay rights case in 1996 has drawn strong reactions from both supporters and opponents of the conservative nominee.

Ted Cruz 'Thrilled' by 'Ex-Gay' Activist's Endorsement

Another day, another Ted Cruz endorsement from someone who thinks LGBT people aren't real. This time, it's "ex-gay" activist Linda Harvey.