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constitutional responsibility

Could courthouses provide the blueprint for safe transgender bathrooms?

As states move to exclude trans people from using certain public spaces, courtroom accessibility is key to ensuring that jury pools reflect the makeup of the country, experts say.

Let's Sue the GOP

This equality advocate is furious with Republican obstruction over the Supreme Court justice nominee — and he's proposing a novel idea to deal with it.

How LGBT Groups Reacted to Obama's SCOTUS Nominee

LGBT people and organizations from all over the country are urging the Senate to look past the partisan divide and give judge Merrick Garland a 'fair hearing.'

Irish Could Vote on Marriage Equality Next Year

Marriage equality might be coming to Ireland, according to the nation's deputy prime minister.

Justice Alito: 'We Will Deal' With Supreme Court Vacancy

The conservative justice also reminded students at Georgetown Law Center that the current court gets no say in who will be their newest colleague.  

A Plea to Stop, or Slow, Brett Kavanaugh

The head of One Colorado is begging his state's senators to challenge this ideologue.

Military funeral–picketing bill goes to Kansas governor

Antigay pastor Fred Phelps apparently doesn't enjoy a home-state advantage in his desire to use the picketing of military funerals as a way of condemning homosexuality--Kansas is about to pass a law restricting what many consider an abuse of freedom of speech.

Right, Left React to Scalia's Death

Ted Cruz, Evan Wolfson, and more weigh in, with some snark coming from Glenn Greenwald.

WATCH: I Will Nominate Scalia Replacement, Says Obama

Obama eulogizes the conservative justice but makes clear he will nominate a successor, no matter what Republicans say.

Trump Nominates Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court

Kavanaugh is a conservative who has pledged to interpret law as written. His record shows reason for concern.

Republican Congressman Supports DOMA Repeal

Rep. Richard Hanna of New York becomes only the second Republican lawmaker to co-sponsor the Respect for Marriage Act. Will other Republicans follow suit?

Michigan Court: No Health Benefits for Gay Partners

A same-sex marriage ban prevents governments and universities in Michigan from providing health insurance to the partners of gay workers, the state supreme court ruled Wednesday. The 5-2 decision affects up to 20 universities, community colleges, school districts, and governments in Michigan with policies covering at least 375 gay couples. Gay rights advocates said the ruling was devastating but were confident that public-sector employers have successfully rewritten or will revise their benefit plans so same-sex partners can keep getting health care.

No, Rand Paul Isn't a 'Different Kind of Republican'

The Kentucky senator says he is a 'different kind of Republican' -- but his past statements on LGBT equality indicate more of the same.

Dharun Ravi Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail

New Jersey Superior Court Judge Glenn Berman said that the defendant acted out of "colossal insensitivity."

The Mormon Church's Revised Gay Policy Is for Straight People

The Latter-Day Saints still don't care about LGBTQ people, they're just trying to reverse their dwindling membership, writes Craig Mangum. 

HRC Launches Probe of Alphonso David's Work for Gov. Andrew Cuomo

The group has hired a prominent law firm to investigate whether its leader's involvement in Cuomo's response to sexual harassment accusations was appropriate.

Florida's Anti-Trans Sports Bill Won't Pass

There probably isn't enough time to consider it, says its sponsor, Sen. Kelli Stargel. Meanwhile, Arizona's governor vetoes an anti-LGBTQ+ bill.

Dems Call for Delay of Kavanaugh Vote; GOP Resists

Democrats say the case for delay is even stronger now that the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault has come forward.