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Roommate convicted in brutal murder of Kenyan LGBTQ+ activist Edwin Chiloba

Photographer Jacktone Odhiambo was found guilty of killing 25-year-old Edwin Chiloba nearly two years after the activist's body was found discarded in a metal box.

Martin Shkreli Is Trying to Overturn Conviction

The infamous CEO is known for artificially increasing drug prices, and now he's looking to a judge for help.

Two convicted for murder of transgender teen

Michael Magidson and Jose Merel were found guilty Monday of second-degree murder in the killing of transgender teen Gwen Araujo (pictured) and face mandatory prison sentences of 15 years to life. The jury deadlocked in the case of a third man, Jason Cazares, the second time that has happened.

Will Derek Chauvin Be Convicted of George Floyd's Murder?

Out journalist and activist Jasmyne Cannick is not getting her hopes up.

A gay photographer was brutally murdered in Twin Peaks. His killers have finally been convicted

Lamonte Mims and and Fantasy Decuir, both 27, were convicted Thursday in the 2017 killing of Ed French, 71.

Boy Scouts Will Hire Convicts, But Not Gays

According to an employment application for the organization, "conviction of a crime" is not an automatic disqualifying factor, but being an "avowed homosexual" or atheist is.

Russian Court Upholds Brittney Griner’s Conviction

The judge left Griner's verdict in place and only slightly reduced her nine year prison sentence.

Trump Pardons Oregon Ranchers Convicted of Arson

Their case led to the occupation of a wildlife refuge.

Harvey Weinstein's sex crime conviction overturned in New York, new trial ordered

Weinstein is still not a free man —last year, he was sentenced to 16 years in prison for charges of rape and sexual assault in Los Angeles.

Dharun Ravi Is Appealing His Conviction