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Shirtless Lil Nas X teases new song and album 'dreamboy' release

"Be patient, I'm fighting generational trauma," the rapper shared on social media.

Give This Trans PAC The Credit It’s Due

A new trans political action committee made a big impact on 2017 elections. So why didn't they get the credit?

Full Faith and Credit: Past Due

Following the California supreme court's ruling on same-sex marriage, Teresa Morrison reflects on another decision 60 years ago by that same court, which defied popular prejudice to further marriage equality and turned the tide of the nation's status quo.

Mastercard Is Making Its Credit Cards Trans-Friendly

Cardholders can now use their chosen name on their plastic without jumping through hoops.

Anderson Cooper Credited With Bringing Trump Accusers Forward

The gay anchor's tough questioning of Donald Trump in Sunday's debate has led more women to go public with allegations of sexual attacks by the businessman.

Op-ed: Credit Is Still a Chance for Quiet Discrimination

The almighty dollar runs the world, but credit discrimination among LGBTs is an oft-forgotten injustice.

Cuomo's Goodbye: Taking Credit for Marriage, Tainting LGBTQ+ Leaders

The soon-to-be ex-governor takes many people, along with his dignity, down with him.

The First National LGBTQ Credit Union Has Been Approved

Michigan approved a state charter this week.

Carol Producer Elizabeth Karlsen Confirms Weinstein 'Stole' Credit

Carol producer Elizabeth Karlsen confirms the accused rapist had zero role in the creative process of the beloved film. 

The Rest of the Nation Needs to Copy California's Tax Day Credits

The Golden State is trying to help its poorest citizens. The other 49 need to take heed.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Class Offers Extra Credit for Bisexuals

Nonbisexual students say they feel discriminated against because they are ineligible for an extra credit opportunity.

Log Cabin Wrongly Credits Trump With Easing Gay Blood Ban

Trump says he had no role in easing donation restrictions, but Log Cabin stands by its praise for him.

Anti-LGBTQ Group Takes Credit (Wrongly) for Target Stock Decline

The American Family Association claims its boycott of Target is working, but investment experts cite other reasons for the retailer's market performance.

Far-Right Leaders Gloat About Trans Ban, Take Credit for It

Donald Trump is pandering to the religious right, and its leaders are over the moon.