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cycle for the cause

Meet Evan Bachner, who at 67 will participate in his 18th AIDS bike ride from Boston to New York

The annual Cycle for the Cause ride starts Thursday in Boston and ends Sunday in NYC.

Jose Lugaro on Why He Will Ride in Cycle for the Cause

The New York LGBT Center's Jose Lugaro talks about the list of names he keeps in his pocket while on the Cycle for the Cause.

A Young Activist Sets Out to Get Wiser About AIDS

A Cycle for the Cause rider talks about his maturation as an HIV/AIDS activist.

Is The GOP Discriminating Against Its Gay Candidates?

The GOP faces the possibility of having a handful of openly gay candidates for the House in the next cycle, and that's causing problems.

Rick Weber Is a Man on a Mission — and a Bike

A Cycle for the Cause rider explains how his mission to help others with his bicycling became personal.

‘Face of the Gun Control Movement’ Mark Glaze Dead at 51

The gay activist had become a notable leader in the gun control movement following the mass shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.

Bloomberg Endorses Obama, Cites Marriage Equality in Reasons

The independent mayor of New York City said one of the effects of Hurricane Sandy is clarification about the differences between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

Bloomberg Starts Super PAC With Eye on Marriage Initiatives

The New York City mayor will spend from $10 million to $15 million on causes including marriage equality and candidates interested in problem solving.

Bloomberg Contemplates White House Run

The former mayor of New York, known for his record as a staunch supporter of marriage equality, is planning to throw his hat in the ring for president.

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend

An acclaimed gay activist's recent death and my own experience show that members of our community are tragically more likely to take their own lives -- and the holidays make it even worse.

Workplace Discrimination and Sex Work Bias Threaten Our Community

So many hurdles hold us back from workplace equality, writes Parker Phillips of Housing Works.

New Campaign Highlights Major Companies Backing Antigay Politicians

CREDO Active singles out tech firms who fly rainbow flags while donating to homophobic lawmakers.

Is pride good PR?

A-list Hollywood publicist Michael Levine assesses the public relations impact of pride festivals and parades.

Our Issues Must Be Part of Criminal Justice Reform

Addressing the prison system's disproportionate effect on LGBT people is necessary.

Busting the 5 Biggest Myths About Insomnia

Working all night instead of sleeping might be the new humble-brag, but you don't have to put up with insomnia.

Op-ed: Unscrambling the Myths Behind Egg Donation

A straight, married mom wants to help you make a baby or two.