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dan quayle

GOP VP picks Quayle and Palin were harmless, while JD Vance is poisonous

Republicans' history of picking novices as vice-presidential nominees continues with Trump’s choice of JD Vance, who is Quayle and Palin on steroids and amphetamines.

New Study: Americans Say Family Is Evolving

A full 87% say that the traditional family has evolved and they are okay with that.

It's all about our children

State lawmakers across the country are proposing new bans on adoption by gays and lesbians. That makes the work of the Family Pride Coalition all the more challenging--and necessary

Murphy Brown's Gay Indian-American Unicorn

Actor Nik Dodani brings the sitcom, and the conventions of stardom, into the 21st century.

When a childless cat lady can see Russia from her house

Poor judgment in selecting a running mate can signal broader issues with a candidate's leadership and governance abilities, writes John Casey.

Dump Kamala Harris Because... Her Voice Is Nasal?

Some say Harris is bad for Biden, but they just can't really articulate why. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton's ears are ringing.

Steven Weber Plays the Political Card

Actor Steven Weber one-ups even Larry Craig and J. Edgar Hoover (at least the version depicted in Oliver Stone's JFK) as a sinister-and-sleazy-beneath-the-surface politician in writer-director Luke Eberl's drama Choose Connor.

The Pences, the First Couple of Straight America, Are Coming for Us

Why it might sting in the short term and why we'll win in the end.

At the debate, JD Vance’s costume fell off, revealing him as the next insurrectionist

Many pundits are saying last night’s debate was "normal." but what was so normal about not defending democracy? writes John Casey.

Why We Could Use Sen. Ted Kennedy Now

The author of a new book on the complicated and consequential Kennedy and his life's work on AIDS and marginalized communities, and how he always found a partner on the other side of the aisle.

How Once-Moderate Bush Got Hijacked by the Religious Right

Our October 1992 cover story explores how George H.W. Bush -- desperate to be reelected -- formed an unholy alliance that haunts us still. 

Famous Moments On the Wrong Side of History

One day we will laugh at the freak out over marriage equality. After all, the zipper frightened people to death at one time, too. Here are some historic lows of paranoid impediments to progress.