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Michigan Republican calls for making marriage equality 'illegal again'

State Rep. Josh Schriver unleashed a firestorm of controversy on social media.

Gays Against Groomers Takes Hit in Membership in Wake of DeSantis’s Homophobia

The group’s lesbian founder, who is closely aligned with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis who posted an overtly homophobic video last week, is sticking by him, resulting in members of the group leaving.

Matt Gaetz will join gay Republican ‘self-serving traitors’ at Pennsylvania Trump fundraiser

"As a former Pennsylvania lawmaker and CEO of Agenda PAC, I’ve seen what happens when LGBTQ+ individuals align with the very forces that work to strip us of our humanity. Pennsylvania deserves better than this parade of self-serving traitors,” Brian Sims told The Advocate.

The Far Right Is Exploiting the Nashville Tragedy to Promote Transphobia

As soon as it became known that the shooter may have identified as trans, the right-wing media outrage ecosystem went to work.

Meta Fails to Moderate Content from Anti-Trans Hate Group on Instagram, Watchdog Group Says

Despite clear violations, controversial group continues to spread false and harmful narratives unchecked on Instagram, igniting concerns over Meta’s commitment to LGBTQ+ safety, according to a new report.

What Is Gays Against Groomers?

Even though it claims to be a grassroots organization, many believe Gays Against Groomers is funded by right-wing groups that are directly and indirectly supporting DeSantis.

Gays Against Groomers Is Not a Grassroots Organization: Report

Despite what some of the people associated with Gays Against Groomers claim, the group is a political outfit of right-wing operatives and not a grassroots organization.