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Equality PAC raises big bucks for 2024 House Democratic frontliners at debate day fundraiser

The money will go to reelecting members who are running in challenging congressional districts.

Gay Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney Makes History

The first out congressman from New York is now the first out chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Democrats Bring House Gains to 40 as T.J. Cox Wins Last Remaining Race

Cox, an LGBTQ ally who had the endorsement of Equality California, bested incumbent David Valadao, who had a poor record on queer issues.

Meet the Candidates: Arizona's Matt Heinz

Physician Matt Heinz says his Republican opponent doesn't represent southern Arizona's values.

View to Washington: Blue Dogs

Conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats have undercut progressive Dems on health care reform, but how are they affecting the push for LGBT equality?

Where LGBT Candidates Need the Most Help, Get Least

The Victory Fund is proud of its success rate, but it's not taking enough chances where we need victories: the South and Midwest.

The World According to Nancy Pelosi

Read our 2012 interview with the House's powerhouse.

Sean Patrick Maloney Is the Gay Congressman Fighting Off a GOP House

The congressman from New York's Hudson Valley is eyeing the midterms at a time of unrest over reproductive freedom, mass shootings, and right-wing attacks on LGBTQ+ people. 

24 Trump-Fighting Charities That Need Your Dollars

It's Giving Tuesday. So give to charities that will fight for your rights.