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Ghana stands to lose $3.8 billion over anti-LGBTQ+ law as president delays signing

Officials warned President Akufo-Addo that signing the draconian anti-LGBTQ+ bill into law would have grave consequences.

Trans Folks Who Are Unemployed, Homeless, or in Massive Debt

Paying for medical care isn't the only concern facing transgender Americans.

Florida Residents Sue Gov. Ron DeSantis Over Disney Debt

An act of retaliation against Disney for opposing the "don't say gay" law could saddle the state's citizens with a $1 billion bill.

How the Supreme Court's Student Debt Ruling Affects LGBTQ+, Black Americans

They have a disproportionate amount of student debt and still face discrimination.

Nonbinary TikToker Takes Biden to Task on Student Loan Record

As a senator, Joe Biden supported legislation that made it harder for borrowers to discharge student loan debt, V Spehar points out -- and such debt disproportionately affects LGBTQ+ people.

WATCH: It Gets Worse for NOM's Coffers

The once-formidable antigay group's donors have fled, leaving the National Organization for Marriage millions in debt.

18 States Sue Betsy DeVos Over Student Loan Fraud

Students who were cheated by fake colleges (like Trump University) will not be getting the debt relief they were promised.

Maryland Anti-Marriage Equality Group Deep in Debt

The Maryland Marriage Alliance owes $88,000, much of it to a signature-gathering firm owned by a state lawmaker.

Milo Yiannopoulos: $2 Million in Debt & Booted from Crowdfunding Site

The gay alt-right troll set up a Patreon page to fund his "magnificent 2019 comeback," but the site yanked it down in less than a day. 

Charles M. Blow on Bi Visibility and the Debt We Owe as Queer People

"When you are not living an honest, open, true life, you are taking advantage of a privilege granted to you by older, gay, lesbian, queer people who have sacrificed tremendously," the writer says.

WATCH: NOM Thinks It Has a Future (of One Year)

Despite mounting debt, NOM predicts it will exist for at least one more year.

Gay Dads Fighting to Save Twins From Surrogate Crowdsource Legal Fees

Steven and Marc Winchester-Horscraft are asking for the community's help in paying a large debt accrued fighting for their children.

Thank You, Jazz Jennings, for Changing America

This Nebraska mom of a trans teen says we owe reality show star Jazz Jennings a huge debt of gratitude.

'Sodomite Semen' Pastor's Church Will Be Auctioned for Debts

Pastor James David Manning of Harlem's ATLAH World Missionary Church is so deep in debt, a court ordered that his church be put up for sale.

Milo Yiannopoulos Is $2 Million in Debt; Had to Return Wedding Ring

The far-right troll, who resigned from Breitbart after comments about pedophilia came to light, owes millions to various debtors. 

Average LGBT Student Carries $16K More Debt Than Straight Peers

Lacking in financial support, queer students struggle to get hired and pay back their student loans.

Gay 'Patti Issues' Star Is 'Bad With Money'

Ben Rimalower will return to the stage in a new solo show about his struggle with debt.