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No, conservatives, Democrats did not call for a rainbow redesign of the American flag

According to conservative pages, Democrats are adding a rainbow to the American flag, and "gullible" is written on the ceiling above you. Go ahead, look up.

New Book Debunks the Pink Swastika Myth

The male bonding of stormtroopers before World War II was recast as sexual by Hilter and his cronies to fuel German social panic and justify a bloody power grab.

Debunked: Talking to Gays Might Not Change Voters' Minds

A new report discredits a much-hailed study that speaking with gay people can sway opinions on same-sex marriage.

Dana Goldberg Debunks Lesbian Dating Myths (In 60 Seconds)

For Out in Left Field, Dana debunks her (least) favorite lesbian dating myths... all in 60 seconds.

Dana Goldberg Debunks Lesbian Sex Myths

Comedian Dana Goldberg explains scissoring, tops and bottoms, strap-ons, and more, all in 60 seconds!

Meet the LGBTQ Bloggers Debunking Right-Wing Lies

Two bloggers expertly exposed and challenged misinformation about queer and trans people this year.

Judy Garland, the 'First Brick' and More: Debunking the Myths of Stonewall

Here's what really happened that night in June 1969, according to one of the original protesters.

Dana Debunks 3 Stereotypes Straight Men Have of Lesbians

Comedian Dana Goldberg has a lesson for the oblivious.

Report Debunks Right-Wing Claims of Military Persecution of Christians

Americans United for Separation of Church and State's report responds to 61 claims about perceived threats to 'religious liberty in the military,' several of which relate to LGBT people and issues.

Debunking the Black Blame

Pointing fingers at California's African-Americans over the passage of Proposition 8 is rushing to judgment, writes The Advocate's Teresa Morrison. Race-baiting is simply a repeat of the terrible injustice of Prop. 8.

5 Parenting Myths Debunked

With billions of moms and dads since the dawn of humanity, there are billions of myths about raising kids. The fact of the matter is, if you ask Frank Lowe, most parents are just huge drama queens.

Debunked: 15 Myths About LGBT Culture

From the first brick at Stonewall to Patient Zero, here is a list of mistruths about the queer community, its history, and its members.

8 Misconceptions, Myths About Being Intersex Debunked

Here are some top myths that I hope our queer allies from other letters will help us bust. 

Debunking Opposition to the Equality Act

If passed, the Equality Act would patch a 50-year-old hole in the Civil Rights Act that allows discrimination against LGBT Americans. Naturally, the right wing is in a tizzy.

On Eve of Straight Pride, Equal Rights Group Debunks 'Heterophobia'

"Straight rights are indeed human rights -- and they're already protected."