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deep fake

This week on the Advocates- the cost of deepfakes

Meet a special needs rescue pup who is changing lives and how to know if it’s time to quit your job

Are We Witnessing the Birth of TV’s Intersex Liberation?

MTV pushed intersex youth into the mainstream, without mockery or stigma. 

Twitter Drags Eric Trump for Calling Ellen DeGeneres 'Deep State'

Trump suggested DeGeneres is part of a shadow conspiracy to take down his father's administration. 

Watch Anderson Cooper's Epic Takedown of Trump Jr.

Donald Trump Jr. used a 10-year-old photo to accuse the out journalist of lying to make the president look bad.

Setting Steve Mnuchin's Patronizing, Poor-Shaming Wife Straight

Louise Linton, the wife of the Treasury secretary, bragged about her wealth and shamed a critic for being beneath her. Journalists and CNN commentators expressed how we all feel about this modern Marie Antoinette.

Anti-LGBTQ+ QAnon Follower Wins Georgia Congressional Runoff

Marjorie Taylor Greene has protested drag queen story hours and pushes conspiracy theories about government officials being Satanist child molesters.


Who are the Zizians, a cult-like group led by a transgender woman?

The group has been linked to six killings.

No, HHS Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine isn't performing pagan rituals in the woods

The doctored footage has been circulating on social media lately in which Levine's head was digitally placed onto the body of a woman wearing robes and a pentacle necklace.

Netflix Bramance 'The Breaker Upperers' Shows Life After Toxic Men

New Zealand-based comics Madeline Sami and Jackie Van Beek wrote, directed, and costar in the irreverent, often queer, comedy about platonic love.

WATCH: Ted Cruz's Homophobic Dad 'of Deep Integrity'

The Texas tea party Republican told Jay Leno his dad's antigay rhetoric is a factor of his faith, and the pastor's 'deep integrity.'

Lord of illusion

Author and former Advocate columnist Norah Vincent on Self-made Man, her engrossing new book about passing as male for 18 months

‘Don’t Say Gay’ Author Resigns From Florida House After Indictment

Rep. Joe Harding has been indicted on charges of wire fraud, money laundering, and making false statements.  

Young Queer Influencers Talk Why Democracy Matters

Social media influencers such as Gabriel Zamora and Kenneth Senegal have joined the We the Purple campaign to underline the importance of democracy. 

Is Lando Calrissian Really Pansexual? Maybe Technosexual?

Some deep thoughts on a fake character's robotic lust. 

5 Questions With Political Documentarian Adam Curtis

Curtis's new film, HyperNormalisation, tackles the "growing unreality" of Trump's America and how we can combat it.

Tegan Quin exposes the dark side of stan culture

Fanatical: The Catfishing of Tegan & Sara paints an absorbing and shocking portrait of the pitfalls of superstardom that hide in plain sight: "Our society is f*cked."

Does the Mueller Report Confirm Trump's Rumored Pee Tape?

Mueller reports that a Russian businessman told Michael Cohen he stopped the "flow" of disturbing video footage involving the president. 

Pro Golfer Scott Piercy Loses 3 Sponsors Due to Antigay Buttigieg Meme

Scott Piercy shared an image with the text "Peter Pulls Out Early From Behind."

Miss Calif. Should Watch 'Glee,' Not Tyra

Ryan Murphy tackles the high school glee club, Tyra tries to dissect the gay kingdom, Hilary Duff goes method on SVU, and Ross Matthews still squeaks soprano.

What Is QAnon and How Does It Affect LGBTQ People?

The newest right-wing conspiracy theory is stoking homophobia among some believers.