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department of labor

Kennedy Center scrubs LGBTQ+ Pride concert after Donald Trump takeover

The show by the National Symphony Orchestra, “A Peacock Among Pigeons,” has been scrubbed from the entertainment venue’s website and ticketing system. It was scheduled for WorldPride this summer.

Labor Department Stalls on Trans Discrimination Review

In February, Labor Secretary Tom Perez announced that the department would begin reviewing 2012's Macy v. Holder case, determining how best to integrate that decision into department policy.

Trump Administration Expands Anti-LGBTQ 'License to Discriminate' Rule

The Department of Labor rule allows even for-profit companies to claim a religious exemption from nondiscrimination policies for federal contractors.

Trump's Labor Secretary Nominee No Friend to Workers

Andy Puzder, who heads the parent company of Carl's Jr., is a critic of business regulations and opposes a major increase in the minimum wage.

Labor Secretary Nominee Alexander Acosta Is Trump's First Latino Pick

Acosta's record initially appears uncontroversial, but activists say it must be scrutinized.

Trump administration erases mentions of LGBTQ+ & HIV resources from government websites

Republicans are moving forward with a full assault on LGBTQ+ lives.

Op-ed: Don't You Dare Forget About Frank Kameny

The highest-ranking gay staffer at the Department of Labor says it's high time to #ThankFrank.

Capital Pride scrambles after board member joins Trump’s anti-diversity administration

Vince Micone left the LGBTQ+ group ahead of emailing Department of Labor employees that DEI “programs divided Americans by race, wasted taxpayer dollars, and resulted in shameful discrimination.”


The Last Labor Day When LGBTQ Workers Have Rights?

The White House is gunning to let us be fired for who we are, but there's hope on the horizon.

Trump, Pence Open Door to Firing LGBTQ People Over 'Religion'

After advising the Supreme Court to allow bias, the Trump administration guts antidiscrimination protections.

Labor Secretary Nom: Loves Hot Women, Hates Overtime Pay

Andrew Puzder is a dangerous misogynist who all LGBT people should oppose, writes Pride at Work's Jerame Davis.

Labor Department to Contractors: Feel Free to Discriminate

A new memo urges those enforcing antidiscrimination orders to take a contractor's religious beliefs into account.

Labor Dept. Finally Clarifies Trans Protections

Secretary of Labor Tom Perez finally clarified that the department's transgender employees will receive nondiscrimination protections.

Antigay Trump Appointee Reinstated After Being Fired

The Labor Department's Leif Olson, who was recently accused of anti-Semitism, has a long anti-LGBTQ history.


Lesbian Activist Short-listed for Position of Labor Secretary

American Rights at Work founder Mary Beth Maxwell could become America's first openly gay cabinet member if chosen to lead the Department of Labor in Barack Obama's administration. Though candidates including Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius and Michigan congressman David Bonior may be seen as higher-profile candidates, Maxwell has the backing of the Human Rights Campaign -- and fellow short-list candidate Bonior.

Christian Right Loves Labor's 'License to Discriminate' Rule

Liberty Counsel and the Family Research Council lauded a proposal to let federal contractors claim a religious basis for discrimination against LGBTQ people and others.

Labor Dept. Issues New Rules for Same-Sex Marriages, Benefits

With the fall of section 3 of DOMA comes new rules on rights and benefits for married gay and lesbian couples.

Google Refuses Transparency on Gender Pay Gap Amidst Dept. of Labor Accusations

The tech giant has refused for a second year in a row to release data about any inequity in its pay practices.