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department of public safety

Texas is quietly collecting data on trans people who legally updated their gender

Texas has been documenting every request from trans people seeking to update their gender.

S.F. Police, Mayor to Boycott Pride Due to Uniform Ban

Pride organizers will let police march but not in uniform -- and the cops say that's not good enough.

Gay Republican Obamacare Critic Turns to Crowdfunding After Accident

"Sassy Gay Republican" Alex Newman eventually found out workers' comp would cover his medical costs, but he continued crowdfunding to replace his car.

Anti-Trans 'Bathroom Bill' Dead as Texas House Adjourns

Passed by the Senate, the bill wasn't even considered by the House, and now the special session is over.

Friends and Family Mourn Texas Trans Man Nino Acox Jackson

Nino Acox Jackson, a black transgender man, has been found deceased in Dallas almost three weeks after a transgender latina woman named Monica Loera was murdered in her home in Austin. 

Texas quietly blocks trans people from changing their gender on driver's licenses

The rule applies even if a person has updated their birth certificates, or even potentially if they have a court order.

Trans People's Personal Data Sought by Texas Attorney General

Anti-LGBTQ+ AG Ken Paxton had reportedly wanted information on gender changes on driver's licenses.

DOJ: North Carolina's HB 2 Is Illegal Under Federal Law

The department is calling on Gov. Pat McCrory and other state officials to cease enforcing the anti-LGBT law.

Trans Woman Forced to Scrub Makeup for Utah License Photo

She was directed to a bottle of hand sanitizer and a stack of paper towels in the middle of the office.

Syracuse U. Frat Suspended for Racist, Homophobic, Anti-Semitic Videos

Videos posted to Theta Tau's secret Facebook group reveal men simulating oral sex on each other while barking out racist and anti-Semitic epithets. 

Transgender Woman Sues Maryland, Alleging Assault and More While Jailed

Chelsea Gilliam says she was sexually assaulted, denied hormone treatment, and placed in solitary confinement.

Act Locally to End Anti-Black, Anti-LGBTQ Police Violence

Isaiah Brown didn't need to be shot 10 times by the people paid to protect him.

DOJ Moves to Block 'Significant Harm' of HB 2

"H.B. 2 is not merely a solution to a non-existent problem; it is state-sanctioned discrimination," writes the Justice Department. 

Texas Senate Gives Initial OK to Restrictive Anti-Trans 'Bathroom Bill'

The bill needs one more approval by the Senate before it goes to the House.


Texas attorney general tells state agencies to ignore court orders on gender marker changes

Brad Pritchett, interim CEO of Equality Texas, said the move would “jeopardize the safety of the nearly 100 thousand trans people” who live in Texas.