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These blue states are making it easier for transgender people to update their documents

As Donald Trump forbids trans people from updating their gender markers at a federal level, Democratic states are making it easier for them to legally change their name and sex.

David France on Documenting Chechnya's LGBTQ+ Resistance

Risking his life, a director and his camera went underground in Chechnya to document the horrific realities facing LGBTQ+ people.

Op-ed: Immigration Goes Beyond Documentation

For LGBT immigrants, especially those escaping hostile conditions, the U.S. immigration system is a rude awakening. And it's long past time for Congress to do something.

Colombian Court Orders Nonbinary Marker on ID Documents

This "is an initial step towards effective social participation," the justices wrote.

Is the Vatican Softening Its Stance on Gay People?

The church should recognize positive aspects of same-sex relationships, the document says.

Vatican document bars gay clergy

A long-awaited Vatican document says practicing gays should not be ordained, but it leaves the door open for those individuals with "passing homosexual tendencies" that have been overcome for at least three years.

A Gay Reporter Travels to Chechnya to Document the Horror Firsthand

ABC News foreign correspondent James Longman not only reported on the antigay terror in Chechnya, he became part of the story.