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dorothy allison

Dorothy Allison, revered and award-winning lesbian feminist author, has died

Allison was the acclaimed author of Bastard Out of Carolina, Cavedweller, and more.

The Show Must Go On

A new literary collection highlights the ups and downs of a legendary queer road show.

Op-ed: The Lambda Literary Awards Are as Essential as Ever

The executive director of the Lambda Literary Foundation counters an earlier op-ed, saying the awards and foundation are more crucial than ever in their 25th year.

Historic Night at Golden Crown Literary Awards

Lesbian literary pioneers and first-of-their-kind moments made the 2015 Goldies a night to remember.

Actress Jena Malone Comes Out as Pansexual, Polyamorous

"My sexual identity has more to teach and to tell me," Jena Malone wrote on Instagram.

There's Timeless Power in Lovesong's Gentle Story About Love Between Women

Director So Yong Kim's indie feature stars Riley Keough and Jena Malone as women whose abiding love blurs the lines of friendship. And it's both timeless and very much of the moment. 

LGBTQ+ Film Festival Frameline Announces Lineup for its 47th Year

This year's festival will host special guests Taylor Mac, Alaska, and Sofia Coppola.

Meet The 10 LGBT People Who Most Influenced Me

For The Advocate's 50th anniversary, we asked LGBT notables to tell us the five LGBT people who influenced them most. Because I'm the editorial director, I cheated and named 10.

Mommy Melissa

Melissa Etheridge talks about her new album, the Joplin movie, narrating After Stonewall, touring with children, coparenting with Julie, and finding her true purpose in life: motherhood

How LGBT Liberation Connects to the Oldest Profession

Rather than ignore the centuries-long relationship between sex work and queer liberation, we should embrace it, writes editor at large Diane Anderson-Minshall.