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dru project

Trump’s election prompts one nonprofit to prioritize scholarships for LGBTQ+ youth in red states

Instead of wilting away, The Dru Project — an organization named in honor of Pulse Nightclub victim Drew Leinonen — is shifting its priorities to serve the most vulnerable LGBTQ+ young people in states where their existence is increasingly difficult.

Orlando United Day Will Honor Pulse Victims

Numerous events have been scheduled for Monday in Orlando to mark the one-year anniversary of the tragedy.

​Windows Shot Out at Orlando Gay Bar​

Police have distributed security footage of the shooting that targeted a complex with several queer venues.

HRC, Lambda Legal Publish Best Practices Guide for Treating Trans Patients

A groundbreaking publication that provides hospitals guidance on the best practices for transgender patients is now available.

Social Security Updates Transgender Policy

After a 92-year-old WWII vet took on the federal agency, the Social Security Administration has issued updated guidelines designed to eliminate a number of challenges trans individuals face when attempting to obtain benefits.

Aisha Tyler: Why Love 'Is Worth Fighting For'

The Talk co-host delivered a rousing speech for LGBT rights at the Lambda Legal West Coast Liberty Awards.

The answer to concerns about Joe Biden is obvious: Kamala Harris

A vote for the president is also a vote for his very capable vice president.

Gun violence ‘is always going to sit with me:’ Grief, trauma, and the rising threat of firearms in America

In a week dedicated to reflecting on loss and advocacy, two survivors opened up about their personal battles and the ongoing fight against gun violence during National Gun Violence Survivors Week.

How Anderson Cooper Helped Inspire a Pulse Memorial

The out journalist's kindness is infused into the Holding Hands statue, dedicated to Christopher "Drew" Leinonen.

92-Year-Old Trans Widow Wins Battle With SSA

The 92-year-old transgender World War II veteran received a Valentine's Day surprise in the form of a legal victory.

Mother of Pulse Victim Fights to Change Gun Laws (Video)

Christine Leinonen's son was murdered at Pulse, and she is trying to prevent similar tragedies.

VA Proposes Lifting Ban on Gender-Confirmation Surgery

Activists have long lobbied for such surgery to be included in the health care provided by the Veterans Administration.


Millions of These LGBTQ+ Americans Could Be Missing in Population Estimates

The professional counting of queer people misses a huge segment of our community.

Orlando Pride Is a Chance to Show We're Strong

The event is a chance to show how, after Pulse, LGBT people are "Orlando Strong."

Pulse Needs to Become a Museum, Not Rubble

Some are calling for the nightclub -- site of one of our community's worst tragedies -- to be torn down. Sara Grossman, who lost her best friend there, says that's not the answer.

Mother of Pulse Victim Demands Accountability for Club, Foundation

Christine Leinonen, a party to a lawsuit against Pulse owners, called for an audit of the onePULSE Foundation.

Pulse Survivor Gets Online Threats After Slam by Tucker Carlson

Carlson drags survivor Brandon Wolf for criticizing Vice President Mike Pence.


Pulse Shooting Survivor Brandon Wolf on the Meaning of June 12

Five years later, the agony remains.

Trans Woman Wins Landmark Settlement in S.D. Discrimination Suit

Cori McCreery will be awarded $50,000 and her former employer must formally apologize after she was terminated from a job when she announced her plans to transition in 2010.