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dwight d. eisenhower

We elect presidents that reflect who we are, and in Trump, America proves to be inherently selfish

When considering a candidate, we have always voted for our self-interests and character too, one that matched how we felt about ourselves and what we aspire to be, writes John Casey.

At Prayer Breakfast, Obama Condemns 'Twisted' Antigay Religion

The president condemned 'twisted' religion that harms gay people.

Head of Boy Scouts Apologizes for Donald Trump's Inappropriate Jambore

The Boy Scouts of America finally apologizes for Trump's self-congratulatory political speech to a group of young men.

An Asian Antigay Bill Could Have Global Repercussions

Why you need to know and care about the situation in Kyrgyzstan.

After the 2024 election, we can be inspired by these historical LGBTQ+ movements against oppression

Amid the trauma and disappointment of the election results, we take a look at queer resistance over the past century

How the FBI Investigated Suspected Lesbians in Nuclear Weapons Project

Robert Oppenheimer's story isn't the only one to come out about workers at the Manhattan Project.

Op-ed: Mr. President, Don't Add Exemptions

While the executive order announced by the Obama administration is a great step, the next hurdle is quite clear.

History in the Making

In the 1950s, Frank Kameny was fired from his job in the Army Map Service for "sexual perversion." Now he's watching an openly gay man run the very office once responsible for scrubbing gays from the government.

The 11 Most Significant Presidents for LGBT Americans

It really does matter who's president, as evidenced by the actions of these men.

#TBT: Christine Jorgensen

Early transgender celebrity Christine Jorgensen was once one of the most famous women in the world.

What it’s like to meet the next president of the United States

There is no doubt in my mind,and in many others' where Kamala Harris will be at noon on January 20, 2025, writes John Casey.

Trump Sows Chaos in Debate, Refuses to Condemn White Supremacists

Joe Biden generally remained calm and focused, while moderator Chris Wallace had a hard time reining Trump in.

Dump Kamala Harris Because... Her Voice Is Nasal?

Some say Harris is bad for Biden, but they just can't really articulate why. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton's ears are ringing.

How Gay Were America's Presidents? A Ranking

Pete Buttigieg said gay men have already occupied the West Wing. Looking at these presidential facts, we'd have to agree.

Fired For Being LGBT

ENDA gets another vote on Monday. And the case for its passage is told in these stories of individuals sacked for simply being LGBT.
