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early voting

Virginia voter registration portal outage fuels election concerns amid lawsuit over Youngkin’s roll purges

Voters were met with a message indicating they weren’t registered when trying to access the Citizen Portal.

Early voting begins on Texas same-sex marriage ban

A proposed amendment to the Texas constitution banning same-sex marriage probably will be the big ballot draw as Texans start casting early votes Monday for the November 8 election.


Early vote counts say Ireland has become the first nation in the world to OK marriage equality by popular vote.

Nevada Looks Solid for Biden, Blocks One of Trump's Paths to Victory

Biden has a commanding lead in early voting in Clark County, which includes Las Vegas.

To Stop Trump, LGBTQ Americans Must Do More Than Vote

Throw an early voting party, find a phone bank, plead with your swing-district aunt; there's no shortage of options.

Presidential Race Turns Negative, With Gay Issues Providing Fuel

Mitt Romney is the target, abortion is the issue, and the $100,000 ad buy will change the tone of the Iowa and New Hampshire presidential primaries. This weekend marks the first negative TV advertising in the two early voting states as campaigns headed into the critical weeks before the first vote, with an independent group's claim that the former Massachusetts governor has flip-flopped -- a sometimes crippling charge in presidential politics. Analysts say similar negative ads are likely to air against Romney's chief GOP rival, Rudy Giuliani, whose positions on gun control and immigration are markedly different from those he espoused as New York City mayor.

Despite Mormon Faith, Romney Finds Christian Support in South Carolina

Mitt Romney's presidential campaign has been embraced in a most unlikely place: at Bob Jones University, the influential Christian college that teaches that his Mormon Church is a cult. In early-voting South Carolina, Romney has picked up support among the evangelicals and social conservatives who are a political force. Last week Romney won the endorsements of Bob Jones III and Robert Taylor, the founder's grandson and a top dean, respectively, at Bob Jones University.

Ending Tough Week, Obama Tries to Refocus Campaign

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama battled to refocus his campaign on the five-year-old Iraq war and the slumping U.S. economy, ending a week that saw him clobbered over incendiary remarks by his longtime Chicago pastor. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, his rival for the Democratic nomination, blasted away on the war and economy as well, while pressing demands to reinstate delegates in Michigan and Florida. Clinton won both contests, but the national Democratic Party said they would not be counted because the state votes were held too early and violated party rules.

How to register to vote: Here's what you need to know to participate in the 2024 election

With ID laws potentially blocking some citizens from voting, here's how to make sure you vote in this year's crucial election.

Decision Day for Amendment One

As voters head to the polls in North Carolina today, turnout is expected to be high, which leaves opponents of Amendment One, the constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage and other unions, hopeful for an upset victory despite polling that indicates easy passage of the measure.

LGBTQ+ Georgia Voters, Allies Can Flip the Senate

A campaign targeting LGBTQ-supportive Georgians hopes to strip Mitch McConnell of his power.

Campaign Against Amendment 1 Enters Final Push

A final video and robocalls from prominent North Carolina political figures including Erksine Bowles contribute to a final push against the constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

Human Rights Campaign Highlights Election's Urgency With New Ads

As the clock ticks toward November 3, the HRC seeks to mobilize voters against anti-LGBTQ+ forces.

It’s Time for Biden and Senate Democrats to Save Voting Rights

With voting rights legislation stalled, it's almost as if Mitch McConnell was still majority leader.

The 'Don't Boo, Vote' Effect Will Take Down Trump

The real evaluation of Trump's candidacy will come on Election Day.

WATCH: Matt Bomer Stands Up for HERO on Election Eve

The AHS: Hotel star wants his hometown to vote on the right side of history.

Road Diary: Not-So-Straight-Talk Express

Writer Michael Joseph Gross joins a crew of 50 campaign volunteers from Boston (who traveled on a bus they dubbed "The Not-So-Straight-Talk Express") and about 100 Ohio volunteers to canvass for Obama throughout Columbus and finds that not all of the locals are receptive to Obama's promise of change.

LGBTQ Activists Making Final Push for Pro-Equality Votes

As the midterms approach, organizers are working tirelessly in key states.