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eastern district of pennsylvania

Joe Biden makes history with 12th Senate-confirmed LGBTQ+ judge

Mary Kay Costello is a military veteran and former federal prosecutor in Philadelphia.

Obama Nominates Hispanic Lesbian for Federal Judgeship

If confirmed by the Senate, Judge Nitza I. Quinones Alejandro would be the first out gay Hispanic woman to serve on the federal bench.

Report: One-Third of Trump's Judicial Picks Are Anti-LGBT

Plus they're getting confirmed with record speed, says a new report from Lambda Legal.

Appeals Court Upholds Pennsylvania School District's Trans-Inclusive Policy

Letting trans students use the restrooms and locker rooms matching their gender identity doesn't harm other students, the court ruled.

First Out Lesbian Latina Confirmed to Federal Judgeship

The Senate confirmed Nitza Quinones Alejandro to a seat on a federal district court in Pennsylvania.

Court: Philly Can Make Foster Care Agencies Abide by Antibias Law

The city was within its rights in ending a contract with an agency that wouldn't serve same-sex couples, says a federal judge.

14 Republican Candidates We Might Actually Vote For

While the Republican primary contest seems to be a competition for who can be most homophobic, there are some supportive voices in the GOP.

House Republican ‘Terrorists’ Target LGBTQ+ Community Center Funding in ‘Unprecedented’ Move

Democrats in the House of Representatives are livid and have called out their GOP colleagues.


LIVEBLOG: Election Day

Republicans have had an unthinkable night, with it becoming a real possibility the party will retain control of the Senate and House, while also winning the presidency.


Check Here for Updates on LGBT Races to Watch

It was truly a landslide for equality all across the country, including wins at the ballot box for marriage equality, the first gay U.S. senator, and a new generation of representatives in Congress.


Races to Watch for LGBT Voters: U.S. House

The list of Republicans keeping their seats in the House includes some of the most antigay.


Find The Best LGBT-Friendly Hospitals In Your State

A record-breaking 464 hospitals nationwide were named LGBT healthcare leaders in the Human Rights Campaign's 2013 Healthcare Equality Index.

Champions of Pride

We recognize amazing LGBT leaders from across the country.

Queerest Cities in America 2015

You don't need us to tell you that West Hollywood and New York are LGBT-friendly. This list is all about the queerness of some less-expected locales.

2018’s Icons, Innovators, and Disruptors

American culture is changing fast. Here are the queer people leading the charge.