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Former Denmark Ambassador Rufus Gifford responds to VP Vance's 'not a good ally' comments

Gifford said the country has “always been there for us” with an “unequivocally and quick yes."

Anti-LGBT Pastor Warns of 'Sodomite' Semen in Starbucks Lattes

The homophobic minister who decried Starbucks patrons as 'upscale sodomites' who spread Ebola now says the chain is using the semen of 'sodomites' to flavor its coffee.

WATCH: Pat Robertson's Latest AIDS Conspiracy

Robertson adds to his string of outrageous claims by saying 'the towels could have AIDS' in Kenya.

WATCH: Lesbians Confront 'Sodomite Semen' Pastor

Pastor James David Manning of ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem told the two married women they were possessed by demons.

Provincetown COVID-19 Outbreak Shows Strength of Delta Variant

The Cape Cod beach town saw a rise in COVID cases after the July 4 holiday weekend.

Meet the Candidates: Arizona's Matt Heinz

Physician Matt Heinz says his Republican opponent doesn't represent southern Arizona's values.

Op-ed: How to Survive an Ebola Plague

One parallel between HIV and Ebola is uncanny, says activist Tyler Curry.

Can PrEP Change the Global Fight Against HIV?

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, could help change the tide on new HIV infections worldwide. But that's only if the most at-risk populations can access the treatment.

LGBT Groups to Buy 'Sodomite Semen' Pastor's Church?

New York's ATLAH World Missionary Church, run by a hateful pastor, is about to be sold at auction, and two LGBT-related groups may snap it up.

Pro-Trump Minister: LGBTQ Lawyer's Death From COVID Was God's Judgment

Rick Wiles says the death of LGBT Bar Association of New York board member Richard E. Weber Jr. represents divine punishment.

Emergency Approval of COVID-19 Treatment Touted by Fauci, Trump

A federal study found Gilead's remdesivir cut recovery time in some COVID-19 patients.

Head of Russian Orthodox Church Blames Gays for ISIS

Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church has taken the 'blame the gays' mantra to a whole new level.

9 Tweets Saying What We're All Thinking About The Election

The GOP now has full control of Congress. Maybe a quick laugh will ease the pain.

Antigay Activist: Ebola Could Wipe Out LGBT People

First Rick Wiles speculated about President Obama intentionally spreading the virus; then he said Ebola 'could solve America's problems.'

WATCH: Antigay Pastor Says 'Upscale Sodomites' Spread Ebola at Starbucks

Yes, another crazed rant from Harlem minister James David Manning, who says Starbucks is 'ground zero' for Ebola.

God Sent Coronavirus to Destroy LGBTQ People, Says Trump-OK'd Preacher

That comes from Rick Wiles, whose TruNews outlet received White House press credentials to cover the president in Switzerland last week.

'Sodomite Semen' Pastor's Church Will Be Auctioned for Debts

Pastor James David Manning of Harlem's ATLAH World Missionary Church is so deep in debt, a court ordered that his church be put up for sale.

'Sodomite Semen' Church: Officially a Hate Group

Pastor James David Manning's ATLAH World Missionary Church is one of four newcomers to the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of anti-LGBT hate groups.

Religious Right Types Blame LGBT People for Harvey's Destruction

Yes, some extremists are once again blaming us for a natural disaster.

Russian Pol Calls for Lifetime Ban on Tim Cook

The writer of the original 'gay propaganda' law says the newly out CEO could present a health threat to Russia.