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Devery Jacobs no tenía la 'opción de estar en el closet' y no la quería

La actriz de Reservation Dogs y American Gods tiene un mensaje para los jóvenes indígenas queer.

Planet Fitness Revokes Membership of Transphobic Woman

Yvette Cormier returned four days in a row to warn women away from the locker room, because she had seen a trans woman use it once. On the fifth day, Cormier wasn't allowed to come back.

Vatican: Judge Gays Less, Welcome Their Children

The report, based on a survey of clergy and laypeople, appears to echo Pope Francis's conciliatory attitude.

Pat Robertson: Gay 'Alliance' With ISIS Created Orlando Massacre

Echoing a common claim touted by various antigay conservatives, the Christian televangelist says liberals and LGBT activists are responsible for the Pulse shooting. 


Rod Stewart Refuses to Perform in Saudi Arabia Over Country's Poor LGBTQ+ Rights Record

British rock icon turned down a lucrative gig, echoing a growing industry trend of advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and human rights in global engagements.

Iowa Supreme Court to Hear Oral Arguments in Gay Marriage Case

The Iowa supreme court is ready to hear oral arguments Tuesday in a gay marriage case that USA Today reports "could echo throughout the nation and be far more difficult to challenge at the ballot box than a high-profile ruling in California, legal experts say."

Lang's New CD First Set of Her Own Songs in a Decade

The first minute of k.d. lang's new disc, Watershed, feels like a quick trip through her musical life. The song ''I Dream of Spring'' features a Brazilian beat, background strings, and that soaring voice. Then, almost startlingly, comes the entrance of a pedal-steel guitar -- an echo of the country music she was known for at the beginning of her career. It wasn't intentional, she said. But perhaps because it is the first album she produced herself and wasn't answerable to another person's vision, Watershed draws together the styles she has touched on over the past 25 years.

Devery Jacobs didn't have the 'option to be in the closet' — and she didn't want it

The Reservation Dogs and American Gods actor has a message for queer Indigenous youth.

Echoes of '92: Bill Clinton Charges Obama Is Too Green

Bill Clinton says Sen. Barack Obama is a highly ambitious political prodigy who is asking voters to ''roll the dice'' and elect him president. He should know -- that's a fair description of Clinton when he sought the presidency in 1992. The fact that the former president is stealing a page from the same Republican playbook used against him 15 years ago underscores the threat Obama poses to the candidacy of Clinton's wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.

First African-American Gay Superhero Joins Arrow Cast

The popular CW series that follows DC's Green Arrow has cast Echo Kellum as Mr. Terrific.

Why Are People Still Supporting Trump? Blame the Bubbles.

Supporters of the increasingly-insane candidate may live in echo chambers but -- surprise -- so do coastal queers.

Trans Student's Bathroom Struggle: History Repeats Itself

Lila Perry's fight for her right to use the girls' bathroom at her Missouri high school echoes similar battles for equal access that marked the broader American civil rights movement.

Berlin Dedicates Memorial to the Nazis' Gay Victims

Germany on Tuesday inaugurated a memorial to the thousands of homosexuals persecuted and killed under the Nazis, a monument meant both to honor a long-ignored group of victims and to make a statement against ongoing intolerance. The memorial sits on the edge of the capital's Tiergarten park -- across the road from Germany's memorial to the Holocaust's 6 million Jewish victims. The single gray concrete slab is a deliberate echo of the smaller slabs that make up that memorial, but also includes a small window that lets visitors see a film of two men kissing.

24 LGBTQ+ movies & TV shows to watch in June

Pride month is here, and baby it shows!

'Echo' director Sydney Freeland on its game-changing Indigenous visibility

The director and executive producer, who is Indigenous and trans, talks about the importance of tracing Maya Lopez's matrilinial heritage.

'Do I Sound Gay?' Doc Continues to Echo

Many are taking notice of director David Thorpe's film on 'gay voice.'

Incel Influencer Sneako’s Young Fans Yell ‘All Gays Should Die’ in Viral Video

Sneako confronts the echo of his own views in young fans.

U.K. Semipro Footballer Liam Davis Comes Out

The Gainsborough Trinity midfielder came out as gay in an interview published Saturday in the Lincolnshire Echo.

Google Employee Fired for 10-Page Sexist Manifesto

His piece, called "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber," claimed that women biologically have less drive and more anxiety. 

Bernie Sanders Condemns Violence at Nevada Gathering

The senator from Vermont denounced the threats, violence and vandalism that erupted but defended his supporters and echoed their complaint that the convention had been mishandled.

Russian Deputy PM to Gays: 'Please Do Not Touch Kids'

Russian deputy prime minister Dmitry Kozak echoed President Putin's remarks, saying adults have a right to 'understand their sexual activity,' but adding, 'Please do not touch kids. That’s the only thing.'