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A Washington city council cuts a pizza program for LGBTQ+ youth after concerns about turning kids transgender

The Ellensburg community raised more funds than the city had previously allocated to rescue the program that provided pizza and a safe space for LGBTQ+ teens.

PHOTOS: Follow 24 Hours in LGBT America

Family, friends, couples, pets, workers, and stars (George Takei!) -- here is the complete day in LGBT America as selected by our staff.

Androgyne Dreams

What's a mother to do when her 12-year-old son has a passion for long hair and lovely dresses? If she's surrealist artist Margo Selski, she lets him pose as the subject of her fantastical paintings in the exhibition "Hitherto and Henceforth."

Equality Riders, others cited for trespassing at Brigham Young

Five Soulforce activists were cited for trespassing and escorted off the campus at Brigham Young University Monday after demonstrating against the Mormon Church's antigay policies as part of the Equality Ride.