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equal access act

Local residents call out North Carolina school board that banned LGBTQ+ trivia quiz

The board called the quiz "indecent." Some Cleveland County residents begged to differ.

Georgia school officials settle with ACLU to allow GSA

A settlement has been reached between the American Civil Liberties Union and officials in White County, Ga., who had refused to permit a gay-straight alliance club to meet at White County High School.

California Bans Insurance Discrimination Against Trans Patients

With a clarifying directive, California becomes the third state (plus Washington, D.C.) to expressly prohibit discrimination against transgender people in health insurance coverage.

Could courthouses provide the blueprint for safe transgender bathrooms?

As states move to exclude trans people from using certain public spaces, courtroom accessibility is key to ensuring that jury pools reflect the makeup of the country, experts say.

Ruling: Florida School District Must Allow GSA

A Florida federal court on Wednesday ruled that school officials in Okeechobee, Fla., must allow a gay-straight alliance to meet on campus, according to the ACLU in a press release.

Gay-Straight Alliance Sues Indiana School Over Unequal Treatment

The club says the school's principal will not allow it to advertise or fundraise like other student groups.

Gay-Straight Alliance Wins Equal Rights After Judge’s Injunction

Students sued their Indiana high school after it would not allow the GSA to be an official club on campus. 

Federal legislation would give gay couples equality in Social Security

Legislation introduced in the U.S House of Representatives last week would amend the Social Security Act to afford same-sex couples the same benefits, responsibilities, and obligations as others who pay into Social Security.

Georgia Republican candidate compares gay teens to pedophiles

Republican candidate for Georgia attorney general Perry McGuire has said that allowing gay clubs to meet in schools is "much like allowing a pedophile club."

Students sue Georgia school for banning GSA

Several Georgia students, led by the ACLU and Advocate Person of the Year Kerry Pacer (pictured), have sued for the right to have the gay-straight alliance meet on campus.

Kerry Pacer's fight for gay club goes to court

A case brought by Georgia's Kerry Pacer seeking recognition for a gay student club at her former high school went before a state judge on Monday.