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equality illinois

These blue states are making it easier for transgender people to update their documents

As Donald Trump forbids trans people from updating their gender markers at a federal level, Democratic states are making it easier for them to legally change their name and sex.

Obama Pushes for Marriage Equality in Illinois

A statement from the White House marks the first time the President has backed a legislative measure in a state.

WATCH: Illinois Celebrates Statewide Marriage Equality

Same-sex couples have been able to marry in some parts of the state for several months, but now marriage equality is the law of the entire Land of Lincoln.

WATCH: Illinois Celebrates Marriage Equality Signing

There was plenty of joy in the air today as Gov. Pat Quinn signed marriage equality into law in a Chicago ceremony.

Illinois Will Pass Marriage Equality Bill, Sponsor Says

Rep. Greg Harris of Illinois predicts success for the state's marriage equality bill, which coincidentally today picked up Bill Clinton's endorsement.

Illinois Business Leaders Make Plea for Marriage Equality

Business leaders including Laura Ricketts call for marriage equality.

Illinois Family Institute Compares Marriage Equality to Junk Food

The Illinois Family Institute, an anti-LGBT Christian organization, issued a fake nutritional label that tries (and fails) to be clever in its opposition to marriage equality. This is not the first written disaster from the organization.

A Marriage Equality Valentine for Illinois?

State Senate president John Cullerton says he'd like to see his chamber approve the marriage equality bill on Valentine's Day.

New Group Works for Marriage Equality in Illinois

The Inclusive Community Project Political Action Committee will seek to mobilize people of color to work for a bill that may come to a final vote in the next few weeks.

Illinois Again Considers Marriage Equality

On the legislature's opening day, elected officials are optimistic that marriage equality will come to Illinois this year.

Obama Group Helps Push Marriage Equality in Illinois

Organizing for Action, which grew out of the president's reelection campaign, is working to generate support for the cause in Illinois.

Clock Runs Out on Illinois Marriage Equality Bill

Despite a Senate committee vote in favor (8-5) of the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act on Thursday, advocates in Illinois will not push for marriage equality legislation in the final days of this session.

WATCH: Gay Illinois Rep. Proposes at Marriage Equality Celebration

Rep. Sam Yingling marked the passage of marriage equality in Illinois by popping the question to his longtime partner.

WATCH: A Tearful Moment Conceding Loss in Illiniois

The Illinois state House ended its session today without a vote on the bill.


Illinois Making Marriage Equality Push

Intensive activist efforts are ongoing in anticipation of a state House vote next week.

Illinois Senate Approves Marriage Equality

On Valentine's Day, the Illinois State Senate approved marriage equality legislation by a vote of 34-21. The legislation now heads to a House committee.

PHOTOS: Illinois Becomes Marriage Equality State No. 16

With Gov. Pat Quinn's signature on Senate Bill 10, Illinois Wednesday became the 16th U.S. state to embrace marriage equality.

Conservatives Link Ill. Marriage Equality to Tornadoes

'Do you think the massive Illinois tornadoes are linked to the passing of the same sex 'marriage' bill?' asked the executive director of America Needs Fatima.

Illinois Nears Marriage Equality

Will Illinois have marriage equality this year? Maybe so.