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When kindness costs nothing, why are we still paying in prejudice?

It's time ignorance was given society's side-eye, writes Cain Turner.

Whitney Houston and the Ethics of Posthumous Outing

Is it ever OK to out someone after they die?

Trump Hit With Ethics Complaint Over NFL Comments

The Democratic Coalition filed a complaint against the president for attempting to influence employment practices.

NOM Fined for Violating Maine Campaign Ethics Law

A state ethics commission in Maine voted unanimously to fine the antigay National Organization for Marriage $2,000 for missing a campaign finance reporting deadline before November's election.

Ala. Ethics Commission to Chief Justice: Roy, Bye

Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore could be removed from the bench for a major ethics breach — again. 

Op-Ed: I'm 'Not Convinced' Keith Ablow Is Ethical

2011 Misinformer of the Year Dr. Keith Ablow recently reaffirmed his belief that trans people don't exist, citing lack of "definitive proof."

A CNN interview? To be an ally to LGBTQ+ people? Melania Trump seems to need $250K just to show up

There are no freebies: Just like her husband, everything she does is transactional, John Casey writes.

Op-ed: Queering Christian Sexual Ethics

Do you cringe at the words "Christian sexual ethics?" You don't have to.

Senate ethics committee proceeds with Craig review

To the dismay of fellow Republicans, Sen. Larry Craig launched a determined drive to save his seat on Wednesday, vowing to stay in office if allowed to withdraw his guilty plea in a men's room sex sting.

House Ethics Committee ready to probe Foley case

House speaker Dennis Hastert's job is on the line as members of the Ethics Committee decide how to launch a credible investigation of former congressman Mark Foley's salacious computer messages to teenage pages.

Mo. Gov.: Antigay Proposal 'Highjacked' Ethics Debate

Gov. Jay Nixon is not pleased that lawmakers in his state spent an entire week debating a constitutional amendment that would protect individuals and businesses that oppose marriage equality. 

Fox News Accused of Altering AP & Reuters Stories to Incite Anti-Trans Rage

The right-wing network has been caught engaging in high unethical behavior.


Egyptian Doctors Denounced for Breaching Medical Ethics

A coalition of 117 human rights groups worldwide is denouncing not only Egypt for arresting and detaining HIV-positive men for the "habitual practice of debauchery" but also many of the detainees' doctors, who participated in the illegal crackdown.

Scott Pruitt Faces Yet Another Ethics Investigation

The antigay chain Chik-fil-A figures prominently in the complaint against the director of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Maine Ethics Board Imposes Record Fine on NOM

NOM failed to register as a political action committee or disclose donors during its campaign to repeal Maine's marriage equality law, and now the group must pay a $50,250 fine.

Utah Governor Orders State to 'Ethically Regulate' Conversion Therapy

Gov. Gary Herbert doesn't quite call for a ban but expresses concern about the practice.