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BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi hospitalized during European trip

She was admitted to a hospital to treat an injury.

Polish state TV host: Our anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric was shameful

With Poland under a new, more liberal government, TV host Wojciech Szeląg is apologizing for years of spreading homophobia.

Which Country in the World Supports Marriage Equality the Most?

Nigeria was lowest in among countries surveyed by the Pew Research Center, while the U.S. came in around the middle. But what country supported it the most?

Italy passes even harsher ban against surrogacy, punishes seeking services abroad

The new law punishes those who travel outside the country to make surrogacy arrangements, even if they travel to places where the services are legal.

Priest arrested after man overdoses on erectile dysfunction pills at sex party

The priest was arrested and charged with sex crimes, as well as failure to assist a person at medical risk.

George Santos Doesn't Rule Out Plea Deal, Still Insists His Grandparents Survived the Holocaust

The embattled GOP lawmaker George Santos tried to explain his seemingly never-ending web of lies he's spun about himself in an interview that premiered Sunday.

Archaeologists Say They Found a 2,000-Year-Old Penis-Shaped Sex Toy

After realizing that they filed it away incorrectly, researchers believed they had a sex toy and not a mending tool on their hands.

J.K. Rowling stoops even lower, mocks hate-crime law & dares police to arrest her

Oh, and the British Prime Minister defended her behavior.

What is International Women's Day? The history of the revolutionary holiday explained

The history of the holiday goes beyond feminism, reminding us every year of the deep ties linking gender equality and class struggle.

Greece to legalize same-sex marriage after opposition agrees to support it

Greece is slated to legalize same-sex marriage and adoption, but surrogacy will remain restricted.

Copenhagen’s Mayor Blasted U.S. Counterpart Over Anti-LGBTQ+ Moves

She said that if the American town wanted to live up to its claim to be Danish, they’d be much more welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community..