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evan wolfson

Did You Celebrate 'Evan Wolfson Day?'…
Marriage Equality

Letters to President-elect Obama: Evan Wolfson

Open letters from 26 gay men and lesbians.

Op-ed: The Evolution of LGBT Heroes

More than 50 years after Bayard Rustin and others picked up the equality mantle, we continue to stand on their shoulders, writes the author of a new book on queer activism.

WATCH: Tony Perkins' Standard Lines Are Shut Down

A message from Evan Wolfson to all the worried right-wingers: "The gay people are not going to use up all the marriage licenses."

Right, Left React to Scalia's Death

Ted Cruz, Evan Wolfson, and more weigh in, with some snark coming from Glenn Greenwald.

Mary Bonauto Is the Supreme Court Hero We Need and Deserve

Freedom to Marry's Evan Wolfson explains why there's no one better to represent us at the high court than his friend Mary Bonauto.

An Antigay Assault Threatens Marriage Equality in Taiwan

Even though it's settled here, the marriage battle rages on across the globe -- and the movement needs your help, Evan Wolfson writes.

WATCH: Brian Brown's Bizarre Advice for Gay People

When Evan Wolfson challenges Brown on how he'd help those hurt by homophobia, Brown says he'd tell them 'the truth' about marriage.

Sounding off on New Jerseys same-sex marriage ruling

The New Jersey supreme court's decision Wednesday to give gay couples all the rights of marriage save for the title, which the justices left for the legislature to decide, set off a flurry of opinion by a variety of sources, including Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry.

WATCH: Brian Brown Admits 'Of Course' We'd 'Go to Russia'

Want to know how to make Brian Brown squirm? Ask him about what he's been up to in Putin's Russia.


Freedom to Marry's Marc Solomon Gets His Happy Ending

After working years to give us the right to marry, Solomon finally enjoys the fruits of his labor.