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evangelical christians

Evangelical Christian Mag: Remove Immoral Trump From Office

In a scathing editorial, the Billy Graham-founded publication Christianity Today slammed the president's character and said he should be fired.

Film Festival Seeks Conversation on LGBT Issues in Evangelical Church

Organizers of a Pasadena, Calif., film festival hope to start a conversation about LGBT rights in evangelical Christianity.

Pastor: Homosexuals Bully Straights

Samantha Bee skewers evangelical Christians who claim that their freedom to express their bigotry toward LGBT people is being infringed upon.

GOP Picks Anti-LGBTQ Leah Vukmir to Face Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin

Vukmir, an evangelical Christian with a record of working against LGBTQ safety and equality, will run against the state's lesbian incumbent senator. 

WATCH: Wayne Besen Takes on 'God Has A Better Way' Founder

The Truth Wins Out founder charges Evangelical Christian, founder of ministry preaching "ex-gay" lifestyle, with inciting violence against the LGBT community. 

Killed in Broad Daylight

Sacramento has long been considered a tolerant city, but a gay man's violent death has exposed the wide divide between LGBT residents and the area's Slavic evangelical Christians.

Speaker Mike Johnson’s Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Homosexuality to Beastiality

With Johnson's record on LGBTQ+ rights, is it a surprise?

Evangelicals Support Marriage Equality?

Evangelicals for Marriage Equality says evangelical Christians can support marriage equality in the civil sphere regardless of their churches' beliefs on the issue.

WATCH: Chuck Norris Warns Obama Reelection Will Doom U.S.

The conservative former action star released a "public service announcement" calling on evangelical Christians to oppose President Obama.

Ted Haggard: States Should Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

In a new online debate, the disgraced antigay Evangelical Christian pastor says marriage equality should be legal at the state level.

Evangelical Prof's 'Radical Decision to Stand in Solidarity With the LGBT Community'

Evangelical Christian ethics professor David Gushee says God sent LGBT people to him, with the result that he's decided to support them.

Ben Carson's Campaign Just Got More Antigay

A retired two-star general who believes the military should be used to 'indoctrinate' people to evangelical Christianity is now leading presidential hopeful Ben Carson's campaign. 

Christian Schools Don't Need a License to Discriminate

A gay alumnus of an evangelical Christian college fires back at its president, who asked Obama for a religious exemption from his executive order banning anti-LGBT employment discrimination by federal contractors.

George W. Bush Calls Out Republicans Trying to End HIV Program PEPFAR

The former president urged Congress to continue funding PEPFAR, a program that was created under his presidency that’s saved more than 25 million lives.

Gays Polling Higher Than Evangelical Christians

A new poll finds that a majority of Americans view gays favorably.

Evangelical Project Seeks to Change Image on LGBT Issues — But Not Policy

A new online campaign calls on evangelical Christians to respect LGBT people and recognize they're made in God's image, but doesn't shift the prevailing evangelical view on LGBT equality.

Drag Queens Tackle Sexual Expression & Religion in 'Gospel of Eureka'

The new documentary explores the town of Eureka Springs, Ark., that is home to a vibrant LGBTQ community and to evangelical Christians. 

5 Powerful Nuggets in Megachurch Pastor's Pro-LGBT Sermon

A Nashville-area megachurch is one of the first evangelical Christian congregations of its size to support marriage equality and full LGBT inclusion.

Meet the transgender Lutheran pastor preaching acceptance: 'Nothing is wrong with you'

Drew Stever, a minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, is one of the few out transgender clergy members to be ordained by a Christian institution.

Mary Griffith: Everyday Hero

Ex-evangelical Christian Mary Griffith overcame the suicide of her son Bobby and became an outspoken advocate for gay rights.