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evangelical lutheran church

Meet the transgender Lutheran pastor preaching acceptance: 'Nothing is wrong with you'

Drew Stever, a minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, is one of the few out transgender clergy members to be ordained by a Christian institution.

Evangelical Lutheran Church Elects First Transgender Bishop

The Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer will be bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod, covering parts of California and Nevada.

Evangelical Lutheran Church Elects First Openly Gay Bishop

Guy Erwin is also the denomination's first Native American bishop.

Evangelical Lutheran Church Ordains Its First Trans Pastor

'There's no need to choose between living life as your fullest self and belonging to a community of faith,' says Asher O'Callaghan.

Atlanta Lutheran church keeps gay pastor at center of celibacy battle

With hugs and cheers Sunday, members of Atlanta's oldest Lutheran church celebrated the pastor at the center of a battle over the treatment of gay clergy in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Lutherans air concerns over easing ban on gay clergy

Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are debating what direction their denomination should take in the struggle over ordaining gays and blessing same-sex couples.

Lutheran pastor removed over same-sex relationship

Officials with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America said Thursday they are removing a gay minister who announced he has a partner while calling for an end to the ban on sexually active gay clergy.

Chicago Lutheran Church Ordains Lesbian

A Lutheran church in Chicago has ordained a lesbian who refuses to take a vow of celibacy, becoming the first to test a new resolution that gives bishops leeway in disciplining such violations. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America requires vows of celibacy for gay but not for heterosexual clergy -- a policy the Reverend Jen Rude, 27, calls discriminatory. Chicago's bishop, Wayne Miller, did not try to block Rude's ordination at Resurrection Lutheran Church on Saturday, but he also didn't attend the ceremony. While he has said he believes the celibacy rule should reversed, he also has urged bishops to follow rules set by the church.

First Out Trans Bishop Installed by Lutheran Denomination

The Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer says their fellow Lutherans "prayerfully and thoughtfully voted to do a historic thing." 

Coming Out in Religion: Trans Lutheran Shares 'God's Exuberant Love'

Leo Bancroft feared coming out as trans even though his church is accepting -- but he found a warm welcome.