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Influencer Nick Smith's hilarious gay Halloween costume call-out

Nothing says trick or treat like jock straps and sneakers.

No excuses for West

I have no sympathy for ousted Spokane mayor Jim West or other hypocritical closet cases. They didn't miss out on these years of greater gay visibility. They opted out

When Religion Becomes an Excuse to Discriminate

It's not just about cake. Discrimination is happening in every corner of society.

Op-ed: There's No Excuse for Discrimination at Work

Rep. Jared Polis is taking the helm in a long fight for an overdue law to keep LGBT Americans rightfully employed in every single state.

Pete Buttigieg: Religion Shouldn't Excuse Discrimination

The South Bend mayor is the latest Democratic presidential candidate to give an interview to the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Court: Baker's Religion Is No Excuse for Discrimination

An appeals court has ruled that the Christian owner of a Denver bakery cannot deny services to same-sex couples.

Op-ed: Religion Is No Excuse for Discrimination

The right to follow a particular religion is a fundamental one for Americans, but the ACLU says it does not grant a free pass to discriminate against LGBT people.

Tennessee Will Excuse Students From Lessons With LGBTQ+ Content

Gov. Bill Lee (pictured) signed a bill to this effect into law Monday, requiring parental notification regarding lessons that deal with sexual orientation or gender idenity.

Judge: No Excuse for Catholic School's Antigay Discrimination

A Massachusetts Catholic school violated state law when it withdrew a job offer to a man in a same-sex marriage, a judge rules.

On the Right, Some Excuses for Roy Moore, Some Realism as Well

Some are yelling fraud and conspiracy, but others realistically concede he was a terrible candidate.

Transcript What Is Prsesident Obama Excuse for Not Issuing Executive Order

Press Secretary Jay Carney was peppered with questions by reporters looking for an explanation for the president's decision not to ban discrimination with an executive order.

This Gay Republican keeps making excuses for the Colorado GOP’s homophobia

The head of Colorado's Log Cabin Republicans, Valdamar Archuleta, is defending the GOP chair who sent a campaign email calling LGBTQ+ people "godless groomers."

Trans Woman Fatally Stabbed in Vermont; Suspect Tries 'Panic' Excuse

Fern Feather's accused killer said she made a sexual advance and attacked him, but police say they saw no signs of a struggle.

Trump's Gay Press Secretary Lies, Makes Excuses for His Boss

In an interview with Buzzfeed, White House deputy press secretary Judd Deere defends Trump's refusal to support the Equality Act and his decision to ban trans people from the military.

Israel's Right Turn Isn't an Excuse to Air Your Anti-Semitism

Israel is seemingly following the lead of Trump's America, but the tide will turn, Hannah Simpson writes.

Reading the Far Right: Blasting Obama, Excusing Sessions, and Hate Aplenty

Here are some of the things we found while reading these sites so you don't have to.

Obama: 'Religious Freedom Is No Excuse'

At a Democratic fundraiser on Broadway, the president made it clear: freedom of religion isn't reason enough to deny any American their constitutional rights.