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Ayanna Pressley on Introducing Bill to Advance Trans Rights

The lawmaker from Massachusetts made the announcement on Transgender Day of Visibility.

Meet the First Republican Cosponsor of the Equality Act

But the bill is 'not perfect in its current form,' says Dold, who implies he may want broader religious exemptions.

Op-ed: What Must Happen to Lift LGBT Women Out of Poverty

National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund executive director Rea Carey says we can no longer tolerate the financial inequality that queer women face.

Equality Act Will Be Introduced Next Week, Nancy Pelosi Says

The legislation to ban anti-LGBTQ discrimination is a priority for the Democratic-controlled House, Pelosi said.

Partnership and antidiscrimination bills move through Oregon legislature

The Oregon house on Tuesday approved two pro-gay measures--a domestic-partnership bill for same-sex couples and an antidiscrimination bill--which will now go to the Oregon senate for a vote.

Op-ed: Credit Is Still a Chance for Quiet Discrimination

The almighty dollar runs the world, but credit discrimination among LGBTs is an oft-forgotten injustice.

President Obama Endorses Equality Act

OUT Magazine's Ally of the Year again proved he's deserving of the honor by endorsing the bill to ensure equal rights to LGBT Americans.

Double Victory for Obama at Supreme Court

Although the justices have yet to announce their ruling on marriage equality, these two decisions are a major win for the Obama administration.

Out Congressman David Cicilline: Why I Introduced the Equality Act

"The American people deserve to know who will stand up and speak out for those on the margins of society," writes the U.S. representative from Rhode Island.

Trump Appointee Worked for Anti-LGBTQ Group and Tried to Hide It

Paul Watkins once worked to criminalize homosexuality. Now he has enormous influence on how companies comply with antidiscrimination laws. 

What the Equality Act Means for LGBTQ Americans

The federal legislation introduced today would go far to protect your rights and liberties.


This Is How Today's SCOTUS Decision Doesn't Protect LGBTQ+ People

Title VII is a huge victory for LGBTQ+ employees and shouldn't be undermined, but the Equality Act is the big kahuna. 

LGBT Federal Protections Backed by 78 Percent in New Poll

The Equality Act would include protections in public accommodations, public education, employment, housing, federal funding, jury service, legal protections, and credit.


What is DEI, what does it mean, and why are companies really getting rid of it?

DEI does not ensure certain groups have preferential treatment, but rather that none do.

House Passes Bill to Protect Marriage Equality; Will Senate Follow?

The bill is aimed at protecting equal marriage rights no matter what the Supreme Court does.


Michelle Williams Thanks Anthony Rapp After Wahlberg's Time's Up Donation

"Anthony Rapp, for all the shoulders you stood on, now we stand on yours."

Portland, Ore., Becomes Largest U.S. City With Gay Mayor

Portland, Ore., is now the largest U.S. city with an openly gay mayor with the election Tuesday of city commissioner Sam Adams to the post. The mayor-elect avoids a November runoff race by having won 58% of the vote, according to the Associated Press.